Menalled, F., M. Liebman, and K. Renner. 2006. The ecology of weed seed predation in herbaceous crop systems. Pages 297-327 in H. P. Singh, D. R. Batish, and R. Kohli, eds. Handbook of Sustainable Weed Management. The Haworth Press, Binghampton, New York, USA.

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This paper explores the role that seed predators have as weed biological control agents in herbaceous crop systems. First, several key concepts of seed predation developed in non-agricultural systems are reviewed, then the magnitude and impact of weed seed predation in herbaceous crops are evaluated. The relationship between crop and non-crop habitats is assessed in determining weed seed predation rates, and habitat management strategies to conserve weed seed predators in agricultural systems are explored. Finally, potentially fruitful avenues for future research are described.

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