Suding, K. N., E. Spotswood, D. Chapple, E. Beller, and K. L. Gross. 2016. Ecological dynamics and ecological restoration. Pages 27-56 in Foundations of Restoration Ecology, Second edition. Island Press, Washington DC.

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Theory and Application
• In deciding on a restoration approach, it is important to consider whether recovery will follow a predictable and desired successional trajectory; get “stuck” at an intermediate stage; or shift to an alternative, undesirable, state.
• The interactions between internal processes (e.g., species interactions) and external drivers (e.g., climate change) after a reorganizing event, such as a disturbance (e.g., a fire) or restoration intervention, are the key to understand ecosystem dynamics.
• A resilience framework can inform ways to ensure recovery rather than drastic shifts in state following unpredictable environmental stressors. This framework emphasizes the importance of a landscape-scale approach to maintain function.

DOI: 10.5822/ 978-1-61091-698-1_2,

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Cross Site Synthesis T7

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