The KBS LTER and Michigan State University Extension (MSUE) have published a new fact sheet, Climate Basics (Extension Bulletin E-3151), as part of a Climate Change and Agriculture fact sheet series.
Julie Doll, KBS LTER Education and Outreach Coordinator, and Claire Layman, MSUE Public Policy Specialist, have worked together to engage producers, scientists and other decision-makers in discussions about the relationship between climate change and agriculture. As a result, a series of informational fact sheets have emerged as outreach components of projects funded by Project GREEEN, Michigan’s plant agriculture initiative at MSU, and a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency environmental education grant.
The fact sheet is meant to serve as a primer for all professionals, students, and educators, not just those focused on agriculture. The publication introduces readers to the Earth’s complex climate system with a focus on the natural and human-induced causes of Earth’s changing climate.
Dr. Jeff Andresen, State Climatologist and Associate Professor in MSU’s Department of Geography, is lead author on the publication. Climate Basics (E-3151) is available free of charge as a downloadable PDF from the KBS LTER website educational resources page, along with the other fact sheets in the series.