Colunga-Garcia, M., M.S. Clark, and S.H. Gage
Presented at the Campus Symposium (2001-04-19 )
A long-term ecological program in agricultural ecology was established at the Kellogg Biological Station in 1989 with an experimental design containing seven treatments: four annual crop rotation systems under an array of agrochemical and tillage regimes, two perennial crop systems, and an early successional system. This design provided the opportunity to study the response of predaceous-arthropod groups to habitat type and management practices in agroecosystems. Predators studied included Coccinellidae (ladybird beetles), Chrysopidae (green lacewings), Lampyridae (fireflies), Carabidae (ground beetles), Staphylinidae (rove beetles), Araneae (spiders), Opiliones (harvestmen), and Chilopoda (centipedes). The overall pattern of response by predator groups distinguished between perennial and annual habitats. Most predator groups were collected in greater numbers from the annual crop rotation systems. However, rove beetles, spiders, and ladybird beetles were more abundant in perennial crop or native succession habitats. Habitat type was more important than management in determining the composition of the predator community.
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