Qi, J. and D.L. Skole
Presented at the All Scientist Meeting (1999-07-20 to 1999-07-21 )
Field activities have been planned as part of the research program at the Basic Science and Remote Sensing Initiative of Michigan State University to investigate the potential of remote sensing for estimation of biophysical variables of agricultural crops. These activities were also included in a research proposal submitted to NASA to establish a long-term calibration site for EO-1 and its follow-on satellites. The EO-1 satellite will carry three sensors in the optical spectral region to collect both multi-spectral and hyperspectral data that are suitable for agricultural and environmental applications. One of the major objectives of the proposed activities is to carry out a field study to collect ground-based radiometric and agronomic data coincident with EO-1 and Landsat 7 overpasses in order to develop viable and practical means to convert EO-1 data into biophysical information.The proposed field study sites include a climatic gradient from arid Arizona Maricopa Agricultural Center, to temperate Michigan KBS, and to tropical Las Alturas Station, Costa Rica. At the KBS site, we plan to have the following activities:These activities will be initially for three years during the summer growing season. The field measurements are expected to continue as part of our remote sensing and land use program at the Initiative. Therefore, these activities will be a long-term research effort. For more information on the research program at the BSRSI, visit our web page at http://www.bsrsi.msu.edu and for detailed information on the proposal, please contact either one of us.
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