Hunt, N.D., S.T. Gower, and S.D. Peckham
Presented at the GLBRC Sustainability Retreat (2010-02-10 to 2010-02-12 )
Over the next 20 years, biofuel production will take on an increasingly significant role in meeting this country’s energy needs. This will require greater production intensity on existing cropland, or introducing production onto marginal land currently set aside in conservation programs. Major uncertainties in biofuel feedstock production include determining how much biomass can be produced, and how carbon and nutrient cycling in agricultural ecosystems will be impacted by such a drastic shift in production. The answers to these questions will determine if and how we can sustainably produce adequate biomass to meet our future biomass demands.
We attempt to explore these questions by using the BIOME-BGC ecological process model. This model simulates the long-term impacts of growing biofuel crops by quantifying the amount of biomass that can be produced under local environmental conditions, and simulating the soil nutrient and carbon dynamics under specific crop management practices. We are validating BIOME-BGC using field-collected data from local and regional agricultural systems under both conventional and sustainable agricultural management practices. We hypothesize that the sustainable agricultural production strategies will have the largest impact on the long-term feasibility of growing agricultural products for biofuels.