Gunckel, K. L., L. Mohan, B. A. Covitt, and C. W. Anderson. 2012. Addressing challenges in developing learning progressions for environmental science literacy. Pages 39-75 in A. Alonzo and A. W. Gotwals, eds. Learning Progressions in Science: Current Challenges and Future Directions. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

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In a world where human actions increasingly affect the natural systems on which all life depends, we need educated citizens who can participate in personal and public decisions about environmental issues. The effects of global warming have widereaching ramifications. No longer can policy decisions be made by a select few. For example, decisions about how to distribute water so that urban, agricultural, and natural ecosystems have adequate water supplies or about whether to tax carbon emissions require that citizens understand scientific arguments about the effects of their actions.

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-6091-824-7_4

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  • Education

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