Robertson, G. P., V. G. Allen, G. Boody, E. R. Boose, N. G. Creamer, L. E. Drinkwater, J. R. Gosz, L. Lynch, J. L. Havlin, L. E. Jackson, S. T. Pickett, L. Pitelka, A. Randall, A. S. Reed, T. R. Seastedt, R. B. Waide, and D. H. Wall. 2008. Long-term agricultural research: A research, education, and extension imperative. BioScience 58:640-643.

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For agriculture to meet goals that include profitability, environmental integrity, and the production of ecosystem services beyond food, fuel, and fiber requires a comprehensive, systems-level research approach that is long-term and geographically scalable. This approach is largely lacking from the US agricultural research portfolio. It is time to add it. A long-term agricultural research program would substantially improve the delivery of agricultural products and other ecosystem services to a society that calls for agriculture to be safe, environmentally sound, and socially responsible.

DOI: 10.1641/B580711

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