Hamilton, S. K. and D. B. Weed. 2022. Phosphorus budget for Gull Lake, Michigan. KBS LTER Special Publication. Zenodo,. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7217398.

Citable PDF link: https://lter.kbs.msu.edu/pub/4069

In this report, we summarize measurements of the P budget of Gull Lake, comparing a recent year of measurements (2013–14) of tributary inflows and the outflow with similar measurements made for the P budgets compiled by Tague (1977) and Tessier (unpublished). Tessier’s unpublished data are included as Appendix B. The 2013–14 data do not represent as complete a budget as the two previous ones, but are useful to consider whether watershed inputs of P via tributary inflows are changing. Watershed inputs are a particular concern for the Gull Lake Quality Organization because of new confined animal feeding operations and the applications of manure on croplands within the Gull Lake watershed.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7217398

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