Eshghdoostkhatami, Z. and A. M. Cupples. 2024. Occurrence of Rhodococcus sp. RR1 prmA and Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 prmA across microbial communities and their enumeration during 1,4-dioxane biodegradation. Journal of Microbiological Methods 219:106908.

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1,4-Dioxane, a likely human carcinogen, is a co-contaminant at many chlorinated solvent contaminated sites. Conventional treatment technologies, such as carbon sorption or air stripping, are largely ineffective, and so many researchers have explored bioremediation for site clean-up. An important step towards this involves examining the occurrence of the functional genes associated with 1,4-dioxane biodegradation. The current research explored potential biomarkers for 1,4-dioxane in three mixed microbial communities (wetland sediment, agricultural soil, impacted site sediment) using monooxygenase targeted amplicon sequencing, followed by quantitative PCR (qPCR). A BLAST analysis of the sequencing data detected only two of the genes previously associated with 1,4-dioxane metabolism or co-metabolism, namely propane monooxygenase (prmA) from Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 and Rhodococcus sp. RR1. To investigate this further, qPCR primers and probes were designed, and the assays were used to enumerate prmA gene copies in the three communities. Gene copies of Rhodococcus RR1 prmA were detected in all three, while gene copies of Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 prmA were detected in two of the three sample types (except impacted site sediment). Further, there was a statistically significant increase in RR1 prmA gene copies in the microcosms inoculated with impacted site sediment following 1,4-dioxane biodegradation compared to the control microcosms (no 1,4-dioxane) or to the initial copy numbers before incubation. Overall, the results indicate the importance of Rhodococcus associated prmA, compared to other 1,4-dioxane degrading associated biomarkers, in three different microbial communities. Also, the newly designed qPCR assays provide a platform for others to investigate 1,4-dioxane biodegradation potential in mixed communities and should be of particular interest to those considering bioremediation as a potential 1,4-dioxane remediation approach.

DOI: 10.1016/j.mimet.2024.106908

Associated Treatment Areas:

  • T3 Reduced Input Management
  • T4 Biologically Based Management

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