Geissler, C. H., N. L. Haan, B. Basso, A. Fowler, D. A. Landis, T. J. Lark, and C. T. Maravelias. 2025. A multi-objective optimization model for cropland design considering profit, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. Ecological Modelling 500:110954.

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More sustainable agricultural methods are needed to alleviate the decreases in biodiversity and ecosystem services that have occurred because of industrial agriculture. One such method is the inclusion of alternative crops into croplands that can support biodiversity, reduce erosion and chemical runoff, and sequester carbon in the soil. However, the question of where such crops should be planted to balance competing economic and environmental objectives remains open. To this end, we develop a mixed-integer quadratically constrained program to optimize the layout of a cropland considering economic, biodiversity, greenhouse gas emissions, and water quality objectives. We include spatially varying fertilization as a decision variable in addition to crop establishment location. We further include the effect of core area and edges between different crops on biodiversity. To demonstrate the applicability of the model, we apply it to an example field, showing how the optimal cropland design changes as a decision-maker prioritizes different objectives and as edges have different impacts on biodiversity.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2024.110954

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  • Modeling

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