Publications for the Human Surveys

Publications associated with KBS LTER, GLBRC and LTAR projects. Click on the pdf link to get open access papers or to sign-in (free and immediate) to get other papers. Click on the data link to get formally published datasets (other datasets available as noted within the publications). Other ways to view KBS LTER publications can be accessed by the Research | Publications menu above.

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  • 2024

    Guo, T., S. T. Marquart-Pyatt, and G. P. Robertson. 2024.Building ties at multi-stakeholder engagement events to facilitate social learning about contentious issues in natural resource management. Agriculture and Human Values doi: 10.1007/s10460-024-10648-2, DOI: 10.1007/s10460-024-10648-2

  • 2023

    Beethem, K., S. T. Marquart-Pyatt, J. Lai, and T. Guo. 2023.Navigating the information landscape: public and private information source access by midwest farmers. Agriculture and Human Values 40:1117-1135., DOI: 10.1007/s10460-022-10411-5

  • Guo, T., S. T. Marquart-Pyatt, and G. P. Robertson. 2023.Using three consecutive years of farmer survey data to identify prevailing conservation practices in four Midwestern US states. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 38:E44., DOI: 10.1017/S1742170523000364

  • Guo, T., S. T. Marquart-Pyatt, K. Beethem, R. Denny, and J. Lai. 2023.Scaling up agricultural conservation: Predictors of cover crop use across time and space in the US upper Midwest. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 78: 00084., DOI: 10.2489/jswc.2023.00084

  • Irvine, R., M. Houser, S. T. Marquart-Pyatt, G. Bogar, L. G. Bolin, E. G. Browning, S. E. Evans, M. M. Howard, J. A. Lau, and J. T. Lennon. 2023.Soil health through farmers’ eyes: Toward a better understanding of how farmers view, value, and manage for healthier soils. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 78:82-92., DOI: 10.2489/jswc.2023.00058

  • 2022

    Houser, M. 2022.Does adopting a nitrogen best management practice reduce nitrogen fertilizer rates?. Agriculture and Human Values 39:79-94., DOI: 10.1007/s10460-021-10227-9

  • Houser, M. 2022.Farmer motivations for excess nitrogen use in the U.S. Corn Belt. Case Studies in the Environment 6:1688823., DOI: 10.1525/cse.2022.1688823

  • Luther, Z. R., S. M. Swinton, and B. S. Van Deynze. 2022.Potential supply of midwest cropland for conversion to in-field prairie strips. Land Economics 98:274-291., DOI: 10.3368/le.98.2.082020-0129R1

  • Reimer, A., J. E. Doll, T. J. Boring, and T. Zimnicki. 2022.Scaling up conservation agriculture: An exploration of challenges and opportunities through a stakeholder engagement process. Journal of Environmental Quality 52:465-475., DOI: 10.1002/jeq2.20317

  • Van Deynze, B., S. M. Swinton, and D. A. Hennessy. 2022.Are glyphosate-resistant weeds a threat to conservation agriculture? Evidence from tillage practices in soybeans. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 104:645-675., DOI: 10.1111/ajae.12243

  • 2021

    O'Neill, B., C. D. Sprunger, and G. P. Robertson. 2021.Do soil health tests match farmer experience? Assessing biological, physical, and chemical indicators in the Upper Midwest United States. Soil Science Society of America Journal 85:903-918., DOI: 10.1002/saj2.20233

  • Swinton, S. M., F. Dulys, and S. S. Klammer. 2021.Why biomass residue is not as plentiful as it looks: case study on economic supply of logging residues. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 43:1003-1025., DOI: 10.1002/aepp.13067

  • 2020

    Ali, M. P., M. M. Kabir, S. S. Haque, X. Qin, S. Nasrin, D. Landis, B. Holmquist, and N. Ahmed. 2020.Farmer's behavior in pesticide use: Insights study from smallholder and intensive agricultural farms in Bangladesh. Science of The Total Environment 747:141160., DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141160

  • Doll, J., T. Ulbrich, and A. Reimer. 2020.Biologicals: The new Green Revolution or snake oil for ag? Reflections from agricultural stakeholders. Agricultural Research & Technology 25:556293., DOI: 10.19080/ARTOAJ.2020.25.556293

  • Houser, M. and D. Stuart. 2020.An accelerating treadmill and overlooked contradiction in industrial agriculture: Climate change and nitrogen fertilizer. Journal of Agrarian Change 20:215-237., DOI: 10.1111/joac.12341

  • Houser, M., R. Gunderson, D. Stuart, and R. C. Denny. 2020.How farmers “repair” the industrial agricultural system. Agriculture and Human Values 37:983-997., DOI: 10.1007/s10460-020-10030-y

  • Luther, Z. 2020.Farmer willingness to plant prairie strips into crop fields: Evidence from the Eastern Corn Belt. ,

  • Luther, Z., S. M. Swinton, and B. Van Deynze. 2020.What drives voluntary adoption of farming practices that can abate nutrient pollution?. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 75:640-650., DOI: 10.2489/jswc.2020.00184

  • Reimer, A. P., M. K. Houser, and S. T. Marquart-Pyatt. 2020.Farming decisions in a complex and uncertain world: Nitrogen management in Midwestern corn agriculture. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 75:617-628., DOI: 10.2489/jswc.2020.00070

  • Van Deynze, B. 2020.To spray or not to spray: The economics of weed and insect management under evolving ecological conditions. ,

  • 2019

    Denny, R. C., S. T. Marquart-Pyatt, and M. Houser. 2019.Understanding the past and present and predicting the future: farmers’ use of multiple nutrient best management practices in the Upper Midwest. Society & Natural Resources 32:807-826., DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2019.1574045

  • Doll, J. E. and C. N. Bode. 2019.Engaging with Michigan agricultural stakeholders to address climate change. Climate Change at the Community Level Pages 150-166,

  • Dulys-Nusbaum, E., S. S. Klammer, and S. M. Swinton. 2019.How willing are different types of landowner to supply hardwood timber residues for bioenergy?. Biomass and Bioenergy 122:45-52., DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2019.01.026

  • Houser, M., S. T. Marquart-Pyatt, R. C. Denny, A. Reimer, and D. Stuart. 2019.Farmers, information, and nutrient management in the US Midwest. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 74:269-280., DOI: 10.2489/jswc.74.3.269

  • Houser, M., R. Gunderson, and D. Stuart. 2019.Farmers' perceptions of climate change in context: Toward a political economy of relevance. Sociologia Ruralis 59:789-809., DOI: 10.1111/soru.12268

  • 2018

    Crawford, A., W. Beyea, C. Bode, J. E. Doll, and R. G. Menon. 2018.Creating climate change adaptation plans for rural coastal communities using Deliberation with Analysis as public participation for social learning. Town Planning Review 89:283-304., DOI: 10.3828/tpr.2018.17

  • Denny, R. C. 2018.A cross-scale examination of how knowledge and the physical environment influence the use of best management practices in US commodity agriculture.. ,

  • Doll, J. E., C. Eschbach, and J. Dedecker. 2018.Using dialogue to engage agricultural audiences in cooperative learning about climate change. Journal of Extension 56:# 2FEA2.,

  • Houser, M., R. C. Denny, A. P. Reimer, S. T. Marquart-Pyatt, and D. Stuart. 2018.Strategies for enhancing University Extension's role as an agricultural information source. Journal of Extension 56:#6FEA5.,

  • Houser, M. K. 2018.Nitrogen fertilizer management in the context of the midwestern corn agro-ecological system: An environmental sociological analysis. ,

  • Kuebbing, S. E., A. P. Reimer, S. A. Rosenthal, G. Feinberg, A. Leiserowitz, J. A. Lau, and M. A. Bradford. 2018.Long‐term research in ecology and evolution: A survey of challenges and opportunities. Ecological Monographs 88:245-258., DOI: 10.1002/ecm.1289

  • McGill, B. M. 2018.Climate change - groundwater interactions in a Midwestern US agricultural system and a peri-urban system in Botswana. ,

  • Reimer, A. P., R. C. Denny, and D. Stuart. 2018.The impact of federal and state conservation programs on farmer nitrogen management. Environmental Management 62:694-708., DOI: 10.1007/s00267-018-1083-9

  • Skevas, T., I. Skevas, and S. M. Swinton. 2018.Does spatial dependence affect the intention to make land available for bioenergy crops?. Journal of Agricultural Economics 69:393-412., DOI: 10.1111/1477-9552.12233

  • 2017

    Doll, J. E. and A. P. Reimer. 2017.Bringing farm advisors into the sustainability conversation: Results from a nitrogen workshop in the US Midwest. Journal of Extension 55:#5IAW2.,

  • Doll, J. E., B. Petersen, and C. Layman. 2017.Skeptical but adapting: What Midwestern farmers say about climate change. Weather, Climate, and Society 9:739-751., DOI: 10.1175/WCAS-D-16-0110.1

  • Palm-Forster, L. H., S. M. Swinton, and R. S. Shupp. 2017.Farmer preferences for conservation incentives that promote voluntary phosphorus abatement in agricultural watersheds. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 72:493-505., DOI: 10.2489/jswc.72.5.493

  • Schewe, R. L. and D. Stuart. 2017.Why don't they just change? Contract farming, informational influence, and barriers to agricultural climate change mitigation. Rural Sociology 82:226-262., DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12122

  • Swinton, S. M., S. Tanner, B. L. Barham, D. F. Mooney, and T. Skevas. 2017.How willing are landowners to supply land for bioenergy crops in the Northern Great Lakes Region?. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 9:414-428., DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12336

  • 2016

    Palm-Forster, L. H., S. M. Swinton, T. Redder, J. V. DePinto, and C. Boles. 2016.Using conservation auctions informed by environmental performance models to reduce agricultural nutrient flows into Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research 42:1357-1371., DOI: 10.1016/j.jglr.2016.08.003

  • Palm-Forster, L. H., S. M. Swinton, F. Lupi, and R. S. Shupp. 2016.Too burdensome to bid: Transaction costs and pay-for-performance conservation. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98:1314-1333., DOI: 10.1093/ajae/aaw071

  • Piso, Z., I. Werkheiser, S. Noll, and C. Leshko. 2016.Sustainability of what? Recognising the diverse values that sustainable agriculture works to sustain. Environmental Values 25:195-214., DOI: 10.3197/096327116X14552114338864

  • Stuart, D. and R. L. Schewe. 2016.Constrained choice and climate change mitigation in US agriculture: Structural barriers to a climate change ethic. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29:369-385., DOI: 10.1007/s10806-016-9605-z

  • 2015

    Palm-Forster, L. H. 2015.Cost-effective conservation programs to enhance ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes. ,

  • Petersen, B. and S. Snapp. 2015.What is sustainable intensification? Views from experts. Land Use Policy 46:1-10., DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.02.002

  • 2014

    Harris, L. M., S. M. Swinton, and R. S. Shupp. 2014.Experimental auctions to evaluate incentives for cost-effective agricultural phosphorus abatement in the Great Lakes. ,

  • Stuart, D., R. L. Schewe, and M. McDermott. 2014.Reducing nitrogen fertilizer application as a climate change mitigation strategy: Understanding farmer decision-making and potential barriers to change in the US. Land Use Policy 36:210-218., DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2013.08.011

  • 2013

    Layman, C. N., J. E. Doll, and C. L. Peters. 2013.Using stakeholder needs assessments and deliberative dialogue to inform climate change outreach efforts. Journal of Extension [On-line], 51(3) Article 3FEA3. Available at: ,

  • 2012

    Ma, S., S. M. Swinton, F. Lupi, and C. B. Jolejole-Foreman. 2012.Farmers’ willingness to participate in payment-for-environmental-services programs. Journal of Agricultural Economics 63:604-626., DOI: 10.1111/j.1477-9552.2012.00358.x

  • Ma, S. and S. M. Swinton. 2012.Hedonic valuation of farmland using sale prices versus appraised values . Land Economics 88:1-15., DOI: 10.3368/le.88.1.1

  • Stuart, D., R. L. Schewe, and M. McDermott. 2012.Responding to climate change: barriers to reflexive modernization in U.S. agriculture. Organization & Environment 25:308-327., DOI: 10.1177/1086026612456536

  • 2011

    Ma, S. 2011.Supply and demand for ecosystem services from cropland in Michigan. ,

  • 2010

    Chen, H. 2010.Ecosystem services from low input cropping systems and the public’s willingness to pay for them. ,

  • 2009

    Jolejole, M. C. 2009.Trade-offs, incentives, and the supply of ecosystem services from cropland. ,

  • 2008

    Swinton, S. M. 2008.Reimagining farms as managed ecosystems. Choices 23:28-31.,

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