Five minute averages from the LTER weather station.
Air Temperature: F
Precipitation (today): in
Precipitation (yesterday): in
Precipitation (3 days): in
Precipitation (7 days): in
Precipitation (today): in
Precipitation (yesterday): in
Precipitation (3 days): in
Precipitation (7 days): in
Wind Speed 3m (9 ft) 5 minute average : mph
Wind Speed 10m (33 ft) 5 minute average : mph
Maximum Gust 10m (33 ft) last hour : mph
Wind Direction:
Relative Humidity: %
Soil Temperature bare soil (5 cm/1.9 in): F
Soil Moisture (10 cm/3.9 in): %
Last updated:
BCSE Weather data
Precipitation (today): in
Precipitation (yesterday): in
Precipitation (3 days): in
Precipitation (7 days): in
Precipitation (today): in
Precipitation (yesterday): in
Precipitation (3 days): in
Precipitation (7 days): in
Past weather data (1988-present).
GLBRC Marginal Land Weather Stations
Actual vs normal rainfall at KBS
View from the gas shed towards the north east (1/2 hour updates)
View of the GLBRC Intensive Site