KBS085:GLBRC Roots
Below ground primary production for the GLBRC plots.
- Status: active
- Temporal Coverage 0000-01-03 to 2013-11-18
- KBS085-001 Root Productivity (BNPP), Total carbon and Nitrogen - Annual Crops (G1-G4)
Biomass and total carbon and total nitrogen measurements from the roots of GLBRC annual crops are presented here. KBS root biomass data is averaged in this data table by station in order to combine the biomass with the carbon and nitrogen data since carbon and nitrogen data is grouped by station. The root biomass by station can be found at this data table link .
- KBS085-002 Fine Root Productivity (BNPP) - Perennial Crops (G5-G10)
Fine root production estimated using root in-growth cores. To determine an approximate peak standing crop, two root in-growth cores were installed at the beginning of the growing season at each sampling location; one of them was collected mid-season and the other was collected at the end of the season. BNPP (fine root biomass to given depth) was measured.
- KBS085-002 Root Productivity (BNPP) - Perennial Crops (G5-G10)
Below ground productivity for the perennial systems was determined by examining roots collected with a deep core sample. The roots were washed and weighted
- KBS085-003 Belowground Biomass - Perennial Crops
Standing stock of live and dead root biomass sampled at the end of the growing season from four depth ranges down to one meter.
- KBS085-004 Root Biomass from Cover Crops
Root biomass from the cover crops on treatments G2, G3 and G4. Measurements were started in 2013. The roots from individual cover crop plants (ex. rye) are excavated and the plant population in m2 is used to determine the BNPP in grams/meter2.
- KBS085-005 Root Biomass (BNPP) of GLBRC Scale-up Fields
Root biomass from the GLBRC Scaleup Fields.
- KBS085-006 Fine Root Productivity (BNPP) and Carbon and Nitrogen - Perennial Crops (G5-G10)
Fine root production estimated using root in-growth cores. To determine an approximate peak standing crop, two root in-growth cores were installed at the beginning of the growing season at each sampling location; one of them was collected mid-season and the other was collected at the end of the season. BNPP (fine root biomass to given depth) was measured as well as carbon and nitrogen. Calculated grams of carbon and nitrogen in fine roots by area is also given.
KBS BNPP is averaged by station here because KBS CN data were grouped by station. BNPP data by station are available for KBS at: http://lter.kbs.msu.edu/datatables/306
- KBS085-007 Root biomass (BNPP) of GLBRC Annual Crops
Root biomass of the GLBRC Annual Crops. The data are also be found at this data table link combined with the total carbon and nitrogen data.
- KBS085-008 Carbon and Nitrogen from Fine Roots sampled from In-growth Chambers
Carbon and nitrogen measurements were made on the fine roots that were grown in field root growth chambers mid-season and at the end of the season.
Stations were grouped before analyzing for carbon and nitrogen.