KBS125:Data for McGill et.al. 2018. The greenhouse gas cost of agricultural intensification with groundwater irrigation in a Midwest US row cropping system.
Data for Data for McGill et.al. 2018. The greenhouse gas cost of agricultural intensification with groundwater irrigation in a Midwest US row cropping system. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14472
- Status: completed
- Temporal Coverage 2011-01-01 to 2017-09-13
- Repository Link https://doi.org/10.6073/pasta/6ab26c6ead42552a1d4f0261e8dac9bc
- KBS127-001 Greenhouse gases dissolved in groundwater used for irrigation at the KBS LTER
These are measurements of greenhouse gas concentrations (in umol/L) from headspace sampled after groundwater equilibrated with atmospheric air. The ambient air concentrations have already been subtracted. Gives both sampled concentration (gas.umoll.sample) as well as calculated concentration (gas.umoll.equil) of gas expected in water at equilibrium with atmosphere at sample temperature—this is subtracted from the sample concentration as well. For more sampling details see manuscript. These are data collected from irrigation wells around southwest Michigan not just at KBS. But only the KBS observations are used in the total GWI analysis. These were collected in the summer of 2016 and 2017.
- KBS127-002 Soil organic carbon and nitrogen data across the Resource Gradient Experiment
Soil cores were collected in Nov 2016 from 12 plots, 3 cores per plot, and 3 CHN analysis reps per core. These data are the average across the 3 CHN reps. CV among CHN reps were all <0.1, most <0.05. Also provided: bulk density, 2016 crop yield, and soil texture.
- KBS127-003 Soil pH and liming rates
We’re only using this data to merge the lime treatment info into the CN data set.
- KBS127-005 Change in soil N2O emissions from irrigation
Soil greenhouse gases were measured using automated chambers at the RGE in rainfed and irrigated plots simultaneously in 2013, a wheat year. We use only N2O here as CO2 is better measured using eddy flux towers and the CH4 data did not show a significant irrigation effect. N2O concentration was measured four times a day per chamber. These data give a mean concentration per day per chamber. They span May – Sep 2013. Also includes daily precipitation, mean air temperature, lime treatment, and daily irrigation amount.