KBS032:Agronomy of the Biodiversity Gradient Experiment

This dataset contains the agronomic yields and activities of the LTER Biodiversity Gradient Experiment (a.k.a. Biodiversity Experiment Plots or BExP) from its establishment in 2000 through 2020, one year past its retirement when all treatment plots (B1-B21) were planted to sorghum to test for residual agronomic effects.


KBS032-001 Agronomic Yields

Agronomic grain yields of corn, soybean, and wheat, at standard moisture, over the duration of the Biodiversity Gradient Experiment (2000-2019) and dry matter (0% moisture) yields of sorghum planted in 2020 to examine the experimental residual effects on crop production. Yields are measured before the regular harvest by harvesting a section within each plot with a plot combine.

KBS032-002 Narrative Agronomic Log

A narrative of the agronomic activities on the Biodiversity Gradient Experiment

KBS032-003 Expanded Agronomic Log

An expanded log of agronomic activities on the Biodiversity Gradient Experiment.


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