KBS057:KBS Lidar Elevation
This data set provides high resolution elevation data of the Kellogg Biological Station, Lux Arbor Reserve and the Marshall Farm properties collected via airborne LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology on 22 April 2008. The vertical accuracy is better than 6 inches. The horizontal accuracy is better than 1 meter. The projected coordinate system is NAD1983, UTM, zone 16N. The elevation data are in meters.
- Status: complete
- Temporal Coverage 2008-04-22 to 2008-04-22
- KBS057-001 LIDAR Elevations of KBS - Bare-Earth
LIDAR bare-earth elevations collected in 2008 of the KBS property. This is a large dataset (~200Mb).
- KBS057-002 LIDAR Elevations of Lux Arbor Reserve - Bare-Earth
LIDAR bare-earth elevations for Lux Arbor Reserve, collected in 2008. This is a large dataset (~200Mb).
- KBS057-003 LIDAR Elevations of Marshall Farms - Bare-Earth
LIDAR bare-earth elevations of Marshall Farms collected in 2008. This is a large dataset (~200Mb).
- KBS057-004 LIDAR Elevations of KBS - 5-meter Gridded
LIDAR elevations in 5-meter grids; prepared from 2008 LIDAR bare earth elevations.
- KBS057-005 LIDAR Elevations of Lux Arbor Reserve - 5-meter Gridded
LIDAR elevations of Lux Arbor Reserve in 5-meter grids; prepared from 2008 LIDAR bare earth elevations.
- KBS057-006 LIDAR Elevations of Marshall Farms - 5-meter Gridded
LIDAR elevations of Marshall Farms in 5-meter grids; prepared from 2008 LIDAR bare earth elevations.
- LIDAR elevation LIDAR elevation flights