KBS060:KBS GLBRC Agronomic Yields
Agronomic yield record for the KBS Great Lakes Biofuels Research Center (GLBRC) Intensive site and the GLBRC scale-up fields.
- Status: active
- Temporal Coverage 2008-01-01 to 2021-03-22
- Repository Link https://doi.org/10.6073/pasta/9ffe62d4931bf769097d94597fdb1bb6
- KBS060-001 Agronomic Yields - Annual Crops
Agronomic yield from the 4 annual crop treatments (continuous corn, corn, wheat and canola rotations) of the GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment located on the KBS GLBRC Intensive sites. Yield is given at standard moisture for corn (15.5 %), soybean (13 %) and canola (8.5 %).
In addition to yield data from the main part of the field, yield data from stover microplots is also given here. Stover microplots are generally on the east and west side of the main field, one side is the control (same as the main field) and the other side is an alternate stover treatment. Stover is removed on the main field and the stover microplot controls and is not removed in the stover microplots. The stover microplot study was designed to provide experimental data on the impacts of stover removal in order to establish threshold levels of stover management.
Agronomic yields are measured during normal crop harvest by machine harvesters appropriate to each crop as described in the GLBRC Agronomic Protocol.
- KBS060-002 Stover Removal Experiment Grain Yield
Stover non-removal microplot grain yields are compared to control plot grain yields where stover is removed. This study was designed to provide experimental data on the impacts of stover removal in order to establish threshold levels of stover management.
- KBS060-003 Stover and Residue Biomass and Cover Crop Biomass
Corn stover (dried stalks and leaves remaining after grain harvest) and residual corn stover (remaining biomass after machine harvest of stover) dry matter yield are given here for KBS and Arlington GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment treatments G1-G4 (continuous corn, and corn-soybean-canola rotations). Microplots were established to determine the efficacy of the stover harvesting machinery.
Cover crops were added to treatments G2-G4 in 2013. Cover crop yield is also given in the data table.
- KBS060-004 Agronomic Yields
Agronomic yield from the KBS GLBRC Scale-up fields at Lux Arbor Reserve and the Marshall Farm. Treatments were first applied in 2010; all fields were planted with soy in 2009. Stover was first harvested in 2015 and previously was not removed from M1 or L1.
- KBS060-005 Agronomic Yields - Unfertilized/Fertilized Microplots
Microplots were established on the perennial crops to look at the affects of fertilization on yield. Treatments G5, G6, G7, G9 are normally fertilized so the microplot is unfertilized; Treatment G10 does not receive fertilizer so the G10 microplot is fertilized.
- KBS060-006 Agronomic Yield - Perennial Crops
Agronomic yield from the poplar trees and 5 herbaceous perennial crops (switchgrass, miscanthus, mixed grasses, old field and native prairie) of the GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment located on the GLBRC Biofuel Intensive site. Yield data for these treatments are given as dry matter.
Microplots were established on the perennial crop treatments to look at the affects of fertilization on yield. Treatments G5, G6, G7, G8, G9 are normally fertilized so microplots in this treatment are unfertilized; Treatment G10 does not receive fertilizer so the G10 microplot is fertilized.
- KBS060-007 Agronomic Yields - Switchgrass
Agronomic yields for the Switchgrass Nitrogen/Harvest Experiment on the GLBRC Biofuel Intensive Site. Plants are grown under 8 treatments of nitrogen fertilizer and two harvest strategies. Note that in 2009 there was only one harvest.