LTER Weather Station - Data Formatted for Salus Model — Research Context

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Weather data set consisting of the inputs required for the SALUS model.

This datatable is part of the MCSE Model input data dataset.

Consolidated dataset for the ARDEN crop modeling effort. This pulls together several useful data tables into one dataset. Further information can be found at


Experiment: Research Context
Data available from: December 1988 to July 2023
Dataset: KBS136
Datatable ID: KBS002-009.61
Repository link:
Related Tables:
Last Updated 2024-03-18
Variate Description Units
year observation year
doy day of year
solar radiation average solar radiation
air temp max maximum air temperature in C C
air temp min minimum air temperature in C C
precipitation rainfall mm
dew point dew point C
wind run the distance wind would travel in a day
par photosynthetically active radiation

Data Excerpt

year doy solar_radiation air_temp_max air_temp_min precipitation dew_point wind_run par
1988 1.0 0.0
1988 2.0 0.0
1988 3.0 0.0
1988 4.0 0.25
1988 5.0 -13.1 -17.8 0.0
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