Narrative Agronomic Field Log — GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment

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Log of the agronomic activities on the GLBRC Intensive site

This datatable is part of the KBS GLBRC Experiment dataset.

Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Consortium Sustainably Experiment activity logs and background information.


Experiment: GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment
Data available from: April 2008 to November 2019
Dataset: KBS058
Datatable ID: KBS058-001.55
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Last Updated 2023-10-24
Variate Description Units
obs date date the activity was done
comment description of the activity

Data Excerpt

obs_date comment
2024-10-29 Harvest GLBRC main site treatment G2 (sorghum) and G6 (miscanthus) main plots. Equipment Used: All plots were harvested with the JD 7350 self-propelled forage harvester equipped with a JD 676 cutting head. Plant material was chopped into a Gnuse forage wagon that is fitted with load cells to determine weight of harvested biomass. Cutting height of remaining plant stubble was 4-6 inches in all reps. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication.
2024-10-28 Soil finish fields and plant MCIA 357 wheat at 100 lbs. per acre (1.4m). Seeding depth was 1 inch.
2024-10-28 Harvested GLBRC BCSE G2 micro-plots (fertilized and non-fertilized plots). Harvested with JD 6140 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and custom biomass weighing system. The middle 7.5' of each micro-plot were harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Mettler Toledo scale. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4-6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in burlap bags, weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.
2024-10-28 Harvested GLBRC BCSE G4, G5, G6, G7, G9, and G10 micro-plots (fertilized and non-fertilized plots). Harvested with JD 6140 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and custom biomass weighing system. The middle 7.5' of each micro-plot were harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Rice lake scale. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4-6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in burlap bags, weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.
2024-10-28 Harvested biomass in G4, G5, G7, G9, and G10 plots, all reps. Harvested the main-plot area. Wet grab samples were collected and placed in the Grieve plant drier to determine percent moisture in the biomass. 2023 and 2024 were the first two years that all the biomass was mowed with the JD discbine and chopped with the JD self-propelled chopper equipped with a 'hay (biomass) pick-up head'. In past years the biomass was 'direct' cut with the JD selp-propelled chopper equipped with 'kemper' direct harvesting head. See notes relating to the harvesting equipment heads under the JD 7350 sel-propelled harvester 'chopper'. The 7350 self-propelled forage harvester/chopper is equipped with a JD 676 Rotary Rowless Header, (Kemper Harvesting Head), 15 ft (4.57 meter) wide, or a JD 630B Windrow Pickup Head with Finger Auger, 3.0 Meter (9.8 ft) Wide. Biomass was chopped in to the GNUSE 12 ton forage wagon. The GNUSE wagon is equipped with load cells so that it can weigh biomass in the field directly on the wagon.
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