Herbicide Use by Year and Treatment — GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment

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A report of the herbicides used on all treatments and replicates of the GLBRC Intensive site.

This datatable is part of the Agronomic Log Queries - GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment dataset.

It dataset contains specific queries of agronomic activities carried out on the GLBRC Switchgrass Nitrogen-rate/Harvest Experiment, prepared from the Agronomic Log. The Agronomic Log contains all agromonic activities for multiple experiments. Contact the GLBRC Sustainability Information Manager if you need additional information from the aglog.


Experiment: GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment
Data available from: October 2007 to July 2019
Dataset: KBS113
Datatable ID: GLBRC083-005.22
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Last Updated 2023-10-24
Variate Description Units
obs date date the activity occured
site site
treatment experimental treatment
plot experimental plot
material material applied
rate kg ha rate at which the material was applied kg/ha
comment notes

Data Excerpt

obs_date site treatment plot material rate_kg_ha comment
2024-08-13 KBS GLBRC_Trap_Crop_Area Herbicide Roundup PowerMAX 3 2.701625387267311 Sprayed tank mix of RoundUp Power Max 3 at 38.4 oz/A and Liberty at 35.5 oz/A on Lysimeter field, CE1, CE2, CE3 plots, and GLBRC Rep 6 #6 plot. Sprayed T8nt with RoundUp Power Max 3 only. REI for Liberty is 12 hrs. Safe re-entry on Tuesday August 13 at 3:00 am.
2024-08-13 KBS GLBRC_Trap_Crop_Area Herbicide Liberty 2.4560230793339186 Sprayed tank mix of RoundUp Power Max 3 at 38.4 oz/A and Liberty at 35.5 oz/A on Lysimeter field, CE1, CE2, CE3 plots, and GLBRC Rep 6 #6 plot. Sprayed T8nt with RoundUp Power Max 3 only. REI for Liberty is 12 hrs. Safe re-entry on Tuesday August 13 at 3:00 am.
2024-07-25 KBS G9 G9R1 Brushtox 2.2455068153910114 Used handheld sprayer to kill trees. Used mixture of 3.2 ounce Brushtox per gallon water. sprayed to get wet without runoff. sprayed on all trees in plots.
2024-07-25 KBS G9 G9R3 Brushtox 2.2455068153910114 Used handheld sprayer to kill trees. Used mixture of 3.2 ounce Brushtox per gallon water. sprayed to get wet without runoff. sprayed on all trees in plots.
2024-07-25 KBS G9 G9R4 Brushtox 2.2455068153910114 Used handheld sprayer to kill trees. Used mixture of 3.2 ounce Brushtox per gallon water. sprayed to get wet without runoff. sprayed on all trees in plots.
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