Agronomic Yields — GLBRC Scale-up Experiment

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Agronomic yield from the KBS GLBRC Scale-up fields at Lux Arbor Reserve and the Marshall Farm. Treatments were first applied in 2010; all fields were planted with soy in 2009. Stover was first harvested in 2015 and previously was not removed from M1 or L1.

This datatable is part of the KBS GLBRC Agronomic Yields dataset.

Agronomic yield record for the KBS Great Lakes Biofuels Research Center (GLBRC) Intensive site and the GLBRC scale-up fields.


Experiment: GLBRC Scale-up Experiment
Data available from: January 2009 to March 2021
Dataset: KBS060
Datatable ID: KBS060-004.87
Core Areas Primary Production,Disturbance
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Last Updated 2023-10-24
Variate Description Units
year year of the growing season
harvest date date the crop was harvested
treatment experimental treatment
treatment name treatment description
crop crop harvested
crop yield crop yield - At standardized moisture for corn 15.5% and for soybean 13%. Conversion for corn: 56 pounds/bushel. Conversion for soybeans: 60 pounds/bushel. Switchgrass and prairie yield were adjusted to 0% moisture. Units are given in a separate column.
yield units units for the yield measurements
fraction part of crop that was harvested
moisture percent moisture of crop %
acreage area harvested

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Data Excerpt

year harvest_date treatment treatment_name crop crop_yield yield_units fraction moisture acreage comments
2023 2023-12-14 L2 AGR-Switchgrass switchgrass 2.99 Mg/hectare - dry matter whole 12.9 33.97
2023 2024-04-11 L3 AGR-Prairie restored prairie 0.38 Mg/hectare - dry matter whole 2.9 32.95 harvested in the spring of the following year
2023 2024-04-10 M2 CRP-Prairie restored prairie 0.58 Mg/hectare - dry matter whole 4.3 26.0 harvested in the spring of the following year
2023 2023-12-15 M3 CRP-Switchgrass switchgrass 4.35 Mg/hectare - dry matter whole 12.5 31.5
2022 2022-12-07 L1 AGR-Corn corn 1.66 Mg/hectare - dry matter stover 41.7 25.4
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