Narrative Agronomic Field Log — Cellulosic Biofuel Diversity Experiment
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A narrative of agronomic activities on the Cellulosic Biofuels Diversity Experiment.
This datatable is part of the Cellulosic Biofuels Diversity Experiment dataset.
This dataset contains data from the Cellulosic Biofuels Diversity Experiment established in 2008 at the LTER Main Site and consisting of 12 different cropping systems (CE1-CE12) that vary in species makeup and nitrogen input. Treatments include continuous corn, corn-soybean rotations, two varieties of switchgrass fertilized differently, a C3 – C4 grass mix, and prairie grasses native to Michigan with different numbers of species. See the plot map for treatment details and Related Tables for seed species and planting details. Treatment plots are 9 × 27 m replicated in each of 4 randomized blocks. Plots are harvested annually in the fall and crop yields are recorded.
Experiment: | Cellulosic Biofuel Diversity Experiment |
Data available from: | September 2006 to November 2019 |
Dataset: | KBS083 |
Datatable ID: | KBS083-002.58 |
Repository link: | |
Related Tables: | |
Personnel: |
Last Updated | 2024-02-16 |
Variate | Description | Units |
Obs date | observation date | |
Comment | description of the agronomic practice | |
Author | author of the observation |
Protocols |
Data Excerpt
obs_date | comment | author |
2024-11-07 | Harvested LTER Cellulsic Biofuels Experiment (CE Study), Treatments C4-C12 (all replications). Harvested the biomass crops i.e. switchgrass, C3 and C4 mix and prairie grasses mixes. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft was harvested out of the middle of each plot. Plot weight was obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was approximately 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep were placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Started harvest in south west corner (C11:plot 101) and harvested in straight lines headed North, working towards the East. CE1, CE2 and CE3 annual plots were not planted this year so there will be no harvest. This is supposed to be the last year of harvesting anything in the CE study. | Jarrod Rhoades |
2024-08-13 | Sprayed tank mix of RoundUp Power Max 3 at 38.4 oz/A and Liberty at 35.5 oz/A on Lysimeter field, CE1, CE2, CE3 plots, and GLBRC Rep 6 #6 plot. Sprayed T8nt with RoundUp Power Max 3 only. REI for Liberty is 12 hrs. Safe re-entry on Tuesday August 13 at 3:00 am. | Ethan Rocklin |
2024-07-19 | Flail mowed the former Biodiversity study to control weeds. Mower was run East to West. Equipment used was the 7420a John Deere and the 115 15' flail mower. Flail mowed CE1, CE2, and CE3 (corn and soybean) plots in LTER CE Study. Flail mowed tall marestail in LTER Lysimeter field. | Ethan Rocklin |
2024-06-14 | Sprayed LTER CE study (CE1, CE2 and CE3 plots), T8nt plots, and Lysimeter Field with Liberty. Spray rate was 20 gal/A with Liberty rate at 43 oz/A and 3 lbs/A Ammonium Sulfate. Application began at 9:30 am and concluded at 11:45 am. REI for Liberty Herbicide is 12 hours. Safe reentry on Friday June 14 at 11:45 PM Liberty herbicide used to control marestail. Weather at 9:30 am: Temperature: 70.3°F Wind Direction: East Wind Speed: 6.58 mph Relative Humidity: 73.2% Weather at 11:45 am: Temperature: 56.7°F Wind Direction: Northeast Wind Speed: 6.30 MPH Relative Humidity: 56.7% | Ethan Rocklin |
2024-05-24 | T6 (1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6) plots and CE study switchgrass plots CE4 and CE6 (110, 203, 302, 404, 111, 204, 310, 406) were fertilized with 28% U.A.N. nitrogen fertilizer at 17 Gallons per Acre, applying 50 lb N per Acre. Bromegrass and unfertilized mircoplots in Northwest corner of T6 plots were avoided. Application began 1:00 pm and concluded at 4:00 pm. Weather at 1:00 pm: 79.1°F Wind 7.22 mph from the South 31.8% RH Weather at 1:00 pm: 80.5°F Wind 5.09 mph from the South 33.3% RH | Ethan Rocklin |