Trace gas on the forested sites — Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)

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IN DEVELOPMENT. Treatment, Replicate and Fertilizer designations are not consistent across years.

This datatable is part of the Trace Gas Fluxes on the Main Cropping System Experiment dataset.

Trace gases (nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide) have been measured on the LTER Main Site since 1991 and on Successional and Forest sites since 1993. Trace gas fluxes are measured twice monthly or monthly until the ground freezes using permanently-installed, in-situ static chambers. CH4 and N2O are analyzed with gas-chromatography and CO2 with an infrared gas analyzer. Soil moisture and temperature are measured during sampling.


Experiment: Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)
Data available from: May 1993 to December 2023
Dataset: KBS013
Datatable ID: KBS013-005.106
Core Areas Disturbance
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Last Updated 2024-02-15
Variate Description Units
sample date The date the sample was taken
treatment The treatment sampled
replicate The replicate sampled
chamber The chamber within the plot that was sampled
subplot id The id of the fertilization treatment that is F0, F1, F3 or F10
fertilization rate The level of the fertilization treatment
ch4 c flux of methane (CH4-C) as carbon g/ha/day
co2 c flux of carbon dioxide (CO2-C) as carbon kg/ha/day
n2o n flux of nitrous oxide (N2O-N) as nitrogen g/ha/day
year The year the sample was taken in

Data Excerpt

sample_date treatment replicate chamber subplot_id fertilization_rate ch4_c co2_c n2o_n year
2023-12-05 TCF R1 2023
2023-12-05 TCF R2 2023
2023-12-05 TCF R3 2023
2023-12-05 TDF R1 -6.0 14.0 0.4 2023
2023-12-05 TDF R2 -8.2 13.0 0.4 2023
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