Lake Levels in Fair and Lower Crooked Lakes — Aquatic Studies

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Long-term water level records from two lakes near KBS in Barry County; Lower Crooked Lake and Fair Lake.

Water levels in the Lower Crooked lake system and associated ponds have been monitored by Stephen Hamilton since 1996. The system is isolated and does not drain into a stream. These data represent the main lake. At higher water levels (>923 feet above sea level), water levels in this lake are generally in equilibrium with levels in Upper Crooked Lake. Below that level a wier at the Parker Road causeway between the lakes may result in a lower water level in Lower Crooked Lake. In 1996 the staff gauge was surveyed (NVD 88 datum) to a benchmark near the junction of Milo Rd and 3 Mile Rd, and referenced to the benchmark at the NE corner of Parker and Milo Rd. The latter has recently been verified and the two agreed well. All gauges are surveyed annually to an nearby upland rebar marker as a check for vertical displacement. Lower Crooked Lake has two gauges and from time to time both gauges are read on the same day.

Water levels in Fair Lake have been monitored by local citizens, assisted since 1996 by Stephen Hamilton. The lake drains via a small outflow stream into the Augusta Creek system. Water levels are measured relative to an arbitrary datum and expressed as cm above the minimum level in the record (15 Nov 1964). The gauge datum elevation has not been surveyed. In recent years the gauge has been surveyed periodically to a nearby upland rebar marker as a check for vertical displacement. Ice cover has also been monitored over the same period. Citizen volunteers: Wendell Shafer until 1998, Terry Smith 1999 until March 2008, Bob Price since then.

Lower Crooked Lake, Barry County, MI, southwest of Delton, MI , (latitude42 deg 27 min 53.38 sec N, longitude 85 deg 28 min 2.38 sec W), Area 417 acres (lower basin only), Maximum depth ~12 feet.

Fair Lake, Barry County, MI, northeast of Hickory Corners, MI, (latitude 42 deg 29 min 7.54 sec N , longitude 85 deg 19 min 55.19 sec W ), Area 229 acres, Maximum depth ~29 feet,Elevation ~914 feet above sea level

This datatable is part of the Lake Levels and Ice cover on local lakes dataset.

Lake levels and ice cover have been measured on local lakes with the help cf citizen volunteers.


Experiment: Aquatic Studies
Data available from: September 1956 to August 2024
Dataset: KBS096
Datatable ID: KBS096-002.19
Core Areas Disturbance
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Related Tables:
Last Updated 2024-09-03
Variate Description Units
lake name of the lake measured
sample date date the lake level was measured
meters level of the lake above the datum
datum datum that the water level is measured against

Data Excerpt

lake sample_date meters datum
Lower Crooked Lake 2024-08-12 280.43 mean sea level
Lower Crooked Lake 2024-07-03 280.73 mean sea level
Lower Crooked Lake 2024-05-03 281.15 mean sea level
Lower Crooked Lake 2024-03-14 281.06 mean sea level
Lower Crooked Lake 2024-02-15 280.99 mean sea level
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