Poplar Tree Biomass (Direct Measurement and Allometry) — Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)

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Biomass of individual poplar (T5) trees, reported on a per tree and an areal basis, as determined by direct biomass measurements (M) from destructive sampling and biomass estimates (E) via allometry using measurements of stem diameter (at 15 cm above ground) and the following equations: biomass_g = 10^ (-1.195 + 2.505 * log(diameter)) (before 2008 for the Populus nigra x P. deltoids hybrid) and biomass_g = 10^(-0.713 + 2.367 * log(diameter)) (after 2008 Populus. nigra x Populs maximowiczii). Note tree biomass by destructive sampling from 1999-2003 represents the sum of coppiced stem biomass; see Related Tables.

This datatable is part of the Primary Production of the Poplar Treatment of the Main Cropping System Experiment dataset.

This dataset contains allometric and areal biomass data for the Poplar treatment (T5) of the Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE) at the LTER Main Site. The Poplar treatment is managed as a short-rotation woody biomass system on an approximate 10-year rotation cycle with replanting or coppicing after harvest. Rotations are as follows:

  • First: planted in April 1989 with stem cuttings of Populus nigra x P. deltoids hybrid at a stocking density of 1 tree per 2 square meter, harvested in February 1999.
  • Second: trees allowed to coppice after 1999 harvest, coppicing produced multiple stems per tree, coppiced regrowth harvested in January 2008.
  • Third: planted in May 2009, after a fallow year, with stem cuttings of Populus nigra x P. maximowiczii at a density of 1 tree per 3.6 square meter, harvested in February 2018.
  • Fourth: planted in June 2019, after a fallow year, with stem cuttings of Populus nigra x P. maximowiczii at a density of 1 tree per 3.6 square meter.

For further information on poplar management, search the KBS Aglog.


Experiment: Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)
Data available from: January 1989 to January 2019
Dataset: KBS094
Datatable ID: KBS019-009.86
Core Areas Primary Production,Populations,Disturbance
Repository link: http://doi.org/10.6073/pasta/11813b609a26b343cced93805b25a98b
Related Tables:
Last Updated 2024-03-18
Variate Description Units
year year of the growing season relevant for the sample
campaign a major multi-year research activity with a discreet purpose
date date on which sampling occured
treatment main experimental treatment
replicate replicate block, nested within treatment
tree id a designation unique to a particular tree
variety poplar hybird
square meter per tree how many square meter of ground does one tree occupy m^2
biomass g dry weight of the tree
biomass g m2 dry mass of the tree per square meter g/m2
flag indicates whether the biomass was measured 'M' or estimated 'E' with the allometric equations

Data Excerpt

year campaign date treatment replicate tree_id variety square_meter_per_tree biomass_g biomass_g_m2 flag
2019 Poplar Measurement 2019-11-21 T5 R1 6, 38 Populus nigra x P. maximowiczii. 3.6 6.0 2.0 E
2019 Poplar Measurement 2019-11-21 T5 R1 26, 7 Populus nigra x P. maximowiczii. 3.6 6.0 2.0 E
2019 Poplar Measurement 2019-11-21 T5 R1 19, 44 Populus nigra x P. maximowiczii. 3.6 25.0 7.0 E
2019 Poplar Measurement 2019-11-21 T5 R1 21, 4 Populus nigra x P. maximowiczii. 3.6 16.0 4.0 E
2019 Poplar Measurement 2019-11-21 T5 R1 28, 22 Populus nigra x P. maximowiczii. 3.6 14.0 4.0 E
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