Greenhouse gases dissolved in groundwater used for irrigation at the KBS LTER — Research Context

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These are measurements of greenhouse gas concentrations (in umol/L) from headspace sampled after groundwater equilibrated with atmospheric air. The ambient air concentrations have already been subtracted. Gives both sampled concentration (gas.umoll.sample) as well as calculated concentration (gas.umoll.equil) of gas expected in water at equilibrium with atmosphere at sample temperature—this is subtracted from the sample concentration as well. For more sampling details see manuscript. These are data collected from irrigation wells around southwest Michigan not just at KBS. But only the KBS observations are used in the total GWI analysis. These were collected in the summer of 2016 and 2017.

This datatable is part of the Data for McGill 2018. The greenhouse gas cost of agricultural intensification with groundwater irrigation in a Midwest US row cropping system. dataset.

Data for Data for McGill 2018. The greenhouse gas cost of agricultural intensification with groundwater irrigation in a Midwest US row cropping system.


Experiment: Research Context
Data available from: July 2016 to September 2017
Dataset: KBS125
Datatable ID: KBS127-001.181
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Last Updated 2023-10-24
Variate Description Units
site id id string unique to a site.
site site name
region the region that the site is in
rep replicate sample
sample date sample date
temperature k water temperature in degrees K
co2 umoll samp Concentration of CO2 in water after equilibrium in syringe (umol/l)
ch4 umoll samp Concentration of CH4 in water after equilibrium in syringe (umol/l)
n2o umoll samp Concentration of N2O in water after equilibrium in syringe (umol/l)
co2 umoll equil Concentration of CO2 expected in water in equilibrium with atmosphere (umol/l)
ch4 umoll equil Concentration of CH4 expected in water in equilibrium with atmosphere (umol/l)
n2o umoll equil Concentration of N2O expected in water in equilibrium with atmosphere (umol/l)
year sample year

Data Excerpt

site_id site region rep sample_date temperature_k co2_umoll_samp ch4_umoll_samp n2o_umoll_samp co2_umoll_equil ch4_umoll_equil n2o_umoll_equil year
12.1 FSC KBS 1 2016-07-01 294.15 559.59 0.023712 1.055391 13.62873 0.00243 0.00754 2016.0
12.1 FSC KBS 1 2016-07-01 294.15 507.07 0.024243 0.939668 13.62873 0.00243 0.00754 2016.0
12.1 FSC KBS 1 2016-07-01 294.15 519.01 0.027989 0.99949 14.90415 0.00259 0.00833 2016.0
12.1 FSC KBS 1 2016-07-01 294.15 552.43 0.028873 1.020278 14.90415 0.00259 0.00833 2016.0
1 SW1 SW 1 2016-07-06 297.15 182.58 0.447614 0.179469 14.90415 0.00259 0.00833 2016.0
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