Change in soil N2O emissions from irrigation — Resource Gradient Experiment

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Soil greenhouse gases were measured using automated chambers at the RGE in rainfed and irrigated plots simultaneously in 2013, a wheat year. We use only N2O here as CO2 is better measured using eddy flux towers and the CH4 data did not show a significant irrigation effect. N2O concentration was measured four times a day per chamber. These data give a mean concentration per day per chamber. They span May – Sep 2013. Also includes daily precipitation, mean air temperature, lime treatment, and daily irrigation amount.

This datatable is part of the Data for McGill 2018. The greenhouse gas cost of agricultural intensification with groundwater irrigation in a Midwest US row cropping system. dataset.

Data for Data for McGill 2018. The greenhouse gas cost of agricultural intensification with groundwater irrigation in a Midwest US row cropping system.


Experiment: Resource Gradient Experiment
Data available from: May 2013 to September 2013
Dataset: KBS125
Datatable ID: KBS127-005.181
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Last Updated 2023-10-24
Variate Description Units
sample date sample date
precipitation mm daily precip in mm mm
irrigation treatment irrigation treatment
was limed in 2012 true if the plot was limed in 2012
month number numerical month
n level N fertilizer level, see experimental design:
n fertilizer N fertilizer in kg/ha in wheat, ***note there is no plot column here because only 1 rep of each N x irr treatment kg/ha
compound compound measured
doy day of the year
flux N2O-N flux g /ha / day g/ha/day
day of month day of the month
air temp mean daily mean air temp C
notes irrigation notes
irrigation in note transformed into data, empty cells where no irrigation

Data Excerpt

sample_date precipitation_mm irrigation_treatment was_limed_in_2012 month_number n_level n_fertilizer compound doy flux day_of_month air_temp_mean notes irrigation_in
2013-05-08 0.0 Rainfed false 5 1 0.0 n2o 127 0.01811837 8 18.13
2013-05-08 0.0 Irrigated false 5 1 0.0 n2o 127 0.04035299 8 18.13
2013-05-08 0.0 Irrigated false 5 3 45.0 n2o 127 0.030306958 8 18.13
2013-05-08 0.0 Rainfed true 5 3 45.0 n2o 127 0.028784655 8 18.13
2013-05-08 0.0 Irrigated false 5 4 67.0 n2o 127 0.005892579 8 18.13
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