Results from soil carbon sequestration in response to land use change — Regional Studies
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This datatable is part of the Soil carbon sequestration in response to land use change (model results) dataset.
Soil carbon sequestration is a significant CO2 mitigation strategy but precise assessments of sequestration require spatially explicit modeling of potential changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) in response to soil, climate, land condition and management interactions. We assessed the sequestration potential of the Eastern Corn Belt (ECB) in the USA (Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia) in response to the adoption of conservation farming practices and land use change (pasture and forestation) using the SOCRATES model. Input data was provided through an intersection of the STATSGO, National Land Cover Database and a PRISM climate surface. At the end of the 20th century, the 15.3 Mha of cropped soils in the ECB contained 632 Tg C, a reduction of 52% since the introduction of agriculture in the mid-1800’s. Complete adoption of no-tillage practices on prime cropland would potentially recover 147 Tg SOC over 20 years, whereas a continuation of conventional tillage would produce a loss of 35 Tg SOC. Sequestration hotspots (> 500 Gg increase in SOC) under no-tillage cover 2.3 Mha providing 28 Tg C over 20 years. The conversion of marginal (non-prime) agricultural lands to forests would yield an additional 13 Tg C in SOC and 381 Tg C in aboveground biomass. The rehabilitation of minelands to forests would yield an additional 4 Tg C in SOC and 42 Tg C in biomass. Opportunities to sequester C in the ECB via tillage and reforestation are substantial and should be incorporated into regional and national climate change mitigation strategies.
Experiment: | Regional Studies |
Dataset: | KBS132 |
Datatable ID: | KBS132-002.14 |
Core Areas | Organic Matter |
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Last Updated | 2023-10-24 |
Variate | Description | Units |
poly id | polygon id | |
muid | ||
state id | ||
crop pn | area of cropland (prime non-eroded) | Kha |
shrub | are of shrubland | Kha |
forest | area of forest land | Kha |
past pn | area of pasture (prime non-eroded) | Kha |
wetl | area of wetland | Kha |
mine | area of mined land | Kha |
urban | size of urban area | Kha |
crop pe | area of crop land (prime eroded) | Kha |
crop ps | area of cropland (prime severely eroded) | Kha |
crop mn | area of cropland (marginal non-eroded) | Kha |
crop me | area of cropland (marginal eroded) | Kha |
crop ms | area of cropland (marginal severely eroded) | Kha |
past pe | area of pasture (prime eroded) | Kha |
past ps | area of pasture (prime severely eroded) | Kha |
past m | area of pasture (marginal non-eroded) | Kha |
other | other area | Kha |
2000 crop pn | carbon stored in cropland (prime non-eroded ) in 2000 | Gg |
2000 shrub | carbon stored in shrubland in 2000 | Gg |
2000 forest | carbon stored in forest in 2000 | Gg |
2000 past pn | carbon stored in pasture (prime non-eroded) in 2000 | Gg |
2000 wetl | carbon stored in wetland in 2000 | Gg |
2000 mine | carbon stored in mined areas in 2000 | Gg |
2000 urban | carbon stored in urban areas in 2000 | Gg |
2000 crop pe | carbon stored in crop (prime eroded) in 2000 | Gg |
2000 crop ps | carbon stored in cropland (prime severely eroded) in 2000 | Gg |
2000 crop mn | carbon stored in cropland (marginal non-eroded) in 2000 | Gg |
2000 crop me | carbon stored in cropland (marginal eroded) in 2000 | Gg |
2000 crop ms | carbon stored in cropland (marginal severely eroded) in 2000 | Gg |
2000 past pe | carbon stored in pasture (prime eroded) in 2020 | Gg |
2000 past ps | carbon stored in pasture (prime severely eroded) in 2000 | Gg |
2000 past m | carbon stored in marginal pastureland in 2000 | Gg |
2000 other | carbon stored in other landuse areas in 2000 | Gg |
2000 past all | carbon stored in the total pasture area in 2000 | Gg |
2020 crop pn ct | carbon stored in cropland (prime non-eroded, conventionally tilled) in 2020 | Gg |
2020 crop pe ct | carbon stored in cropland (prime eroded, conventionally tilled) in 2020 | Gg |
2020 crop pn rt | carbon stored in cropland (prime non-eroded, reduced-tillage) in 2020 | Gg |
2020 crop pn nt | carbon stored in cropland (prime non-eroded, no-till) in 2020 | Gg |
2020 crop rt | carbon stored in cropladn (reduced-tillage) in 2020 | Gg |
2020 crop nt | carbon stored in cropland (no-till) in 2020 | Gg |
2020 crop ps forest soil | carbon stored in | Gg |
2020 crop ps forest soil and biomass | carbon stored in | Gg |
2020 crop ps pasture | carbon stored in | Gg |
2020 crop marg forest soil | carbon stored in | Gg |
2020 crop marg forest soil and biomass | carbon stored in | Gg |
2020 past marg forest soil | carbon stored in | Gg |
2020 past marg forest soil and biomass | carbon stored in | Gg |
2020 marg tot forest soil | carbon stored in marginal forest soil | Gg |
2020 marg tot forest soil and biomass | carbon stored in marginal forest soil and biomass | Gg |
2020 mine for forest soil | carbon stored in | Gg |
2020 mine for forest soil and biomass | carbon stored in | Gg |
2020 mine pa pasture | carbon stored in | Gg |
Data Embargoed