Frozen Soil samples — Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)

Data in the KBS LTER core database may not be published without written permission of the lead investigator or project director Full terms of use

Soil samples frozen at -80 C to allow for DNA and microbial analysis

This datatable is part of the Archived plant, soil, water and microbial samples dataset.

Plants, soil, water and microbial samples are archived. Small quantities are available for research by contacting:


Experiment: Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)
Data available from: January 1998 to December 2013
Dataset: KBS052
Datatable ID: KBS052-003.58
Repository link:
Related Tables:
Last Updated 2023-10-24
Variate Description Units
box the container name in the freezer
date sample date
campaign a sample campaign to group common goals
experiment the experiment the sample came from
plot sample plot
depth depth of soil sample if known
tube sample designation (tube or bag)
comment comments about the sample
sample id uuid identifying the sample.
treatment the experimental treatment if known

Data Excerpt

box date campaign experiment plot depth tube comments sample_id treatment top_depth_cm bottom_depth_cm plot_2 sampling_location
BAG: B5 2010-06-24 LTER T1R2 6/24/2010 ae973eb4-e939-11ea-a32d-047d7ba5e403 T1
BOX 4 MIDDLE 2010-11-18 KBS LTER BIODIVERSITY LTER B18 108 C 11/18/2010 ae973e4e-e939-11ea-a32d-047d7ba5e403 B18
BOX 4 MIDDLE 2010-11-18 KBS LTER BIODIVERSITY LTER B18 108 B 11/18/2010 ae973e49-e939-11ea-a32d-047d7ba5e403 B18
BOX 4 MIDDLE 2010-11-18 KBS LTER BIODIVERSITY LTER B18 208 A 11/18/2010 ae973e41-e939-11ea-a32d-047d7ba5e403 B18
BOX 4 MIDDLE 2010-11-18 KBS LTER BIODIVERSITY LTER B18 208 C 11/18/2010 ae973e4a-e939-11ea-a32d-047d7ba5e403 B18
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