Agronomic Yields — Interactions Experiment

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Agronomic yields from harvested annual crops of the Interactions Experiment until retirement after the 2015 growing season. Note that yields are reported at standard moisture and need to be converted if dry mass units are needed.

This experiment was retired in 2016.

In 2017 Switchgrass was planted. The first harvest occured in 2018. Switchgrass yields are reported at 0% moisture. The experiment was ended in 2023, but the crop was herbicided rather than harvested, so there is no yield data for 2023. The switchgrass yields are reported in

This datatable is part of the Interactions Experiment dataset.

This dataset contains data from the Interactions Experiment established in 1985 that examined the interactive effects of tillage (conventional (CT) and no tillage (NT)) and fertilization (fertilized (F) and not-fertilized (NF)) on crop production. The experimental site contained two areas that differed in prior land use: one site was historically tilled (plots 1-16) and the other has never been tilled (plots 17-24). All cropped plots (all plots except the Reference plots) were originally planted to continuous corn and switched to the same corn-soybean-wheat rotation as the LTER Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE) around 2001. The historically tilled portion of the experiment was discontinued after the 2015 harvest and 2016 conversion to switchgrass. The experiment continues in the never tilled plots including the cropped plots (T8nt; 17, 20, 21, and 24) which follow the rotation and management of the MCSE No-till (T2) treatment and the reference plots (T8; 18, 19, 22, and 23) which are maintained as the MCSE Mown Grassland (T8) treatment. T8 and T8nt data are found in MCSE datasets.

More info at:


Experiment: Interactions Experiment
Data available from: November 2011 to October 2015
Dataset: KBS151
Datatable ID: KBS128-002.87
Core Areas Primary Production
Repository link:
Last Updated 2024-11-19
Variate Description Units
harvest date
crop harvested crop
treatment harvested plot
crop yield bu a crop yield bu/ac
crop yield kg ha crop yield kg/ha

Data Excerpt

sample_date crop plot treatment yield_bu_a yield_kg_ha
2013-07-24 TRIAE INT1 CT-F 51.6993 3475.3323
2013-07-24 TRIAE INT2 CT-N 25.627613 1722.7404
2013-07-24 TRIAE INT3 NT-N 12.443766 836.4953
2013-07-24 TRIAE INT4 CT-N 25.730383 1729.6488
2013-07-24 TRIAE INT5 NT-F 44.20942 2971.8472
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