Agronomic Soil Chemistry — Nitrogen Deposition Study - LTER

Data in the KBS LTER core database may not be published without written permission of the lead investigator or project director Full terms of use

Soil chemistry of surface (0-25 cm) samples occasionally collected from the nitrogen fertilized microplots (1F, 3F and 10F) of the Nitrogen Deposition Study located adjacent to the main plots of the MCSE Mid-successional (SF) and Coniferous (CF) and Deciduous (DF) forested sites. Note that the 0F nitrogen treatment refers to samples collected within the main plot, which is unfertilized.

This datatable is part of the Agronomic Soil Chemistry dataset.

Soil samples are typically collected in the fall and sent to an analytical laboratory for nutrient analysis and for fertilizer and liming recommendations for the following spring. Analyses include pH, cation exchange capacity, lime index, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, sulfur, and boron.


Experiment: Nitrogen Deposition Study - LTER
Data available from: October 2019 to December 2019
Dataset: KBS066
Datatable ID: KBS066-002.66
Core Areas Inorganic Nutrients
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Last Updated 2024-04-25
Variate Description Units
sample date date of sampling
habitat sampling habitat
nitrogen treatment nitrogen application treatment
nitrogen application rate rate of N application g/m2
depth soil sampling depth cm
pH soil pH
cec cation exchange capacity in meq/100g soil meq/100g
phosphorus mg/kg
potassium mg/kg
calcium mg/kg
magnesium mg/kg
lime index
zn ppm zinc mg/kg
s ppm sulfur mg/kg
b ppm boron mg/kg
lab the lab that performed the analysis
comment comment
year sampling year

Data Excerpt

sample_date habitat nitrogen_treatment nitrogen_rate_g_m2 replicate depth ph cec phosphorus potassium calcium magnesium lime_index z_ppm s_ppm b_ppm lab comment year
2019-10-15 CF 1F 1 R2 0-25 cm 4.6 8.551795 135.0 28.0 201.0 33.0 64.0 MSU Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory 2019
2019-10-15 CF 1F 1 R3 0-25 cm 4.6 11.738718 49.0 45.0 338.0 40.0 62.0 MSU Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory 2019
2019-10-15 CF 3F 3 R1 0-25 cm 4.7 10.062436 139.0 38.0 248.0 39.0 63.0 MSU Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory 2019
2019-10-15 CF 3F 3 R2 0-25 cm 4.2 13.035513 124.0 21.0 148.0 29.0 60.0 MSU Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory 2019
2019-10-15 CF 3F 3 R3 0-25 cm 4.4 12.32218 47.0 47.0 222.0 35.0 61.0 MSU Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory 2019
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