Agronomic Soil Test Results for LTAR ACSE Fields — LTAR Aspirational Cropping System Experiment (ACSE)

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Pre-LTAR (2016) and LTAR baseline (04/2021) soil test results

This datatable is part of the LTAR soil datasets dataset.

This dataset contains the soil data from the KBS LTAR experiment.


Experiment: LTAR Aspirational Cropping System Experiment (ACSE)
Data available from: April 2021
Dataset: LTAR003
Datatable ID: LTAR001_002.26
Core Areas Inorganic Nutrients
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Last Updated 2024-07-24
Variate Description Units
date sampling_date
plot LTAR plot
longitude longitude in CRS: EPSG:4326 - WGS 84
latitude latitude in CRS: EPSG:4326 - WGS 84
pH pH value
cec Cation Exchange Capacity mg/kg
phosphorus Bray - P1 mg/kg
potassium potassium mg/kg
calcium calcium mg/kg
magnesium mangnesium mg/kg
soil depth soil sampling depth cm
lime index Lime index
SO4 S SO4 mg/kg
z ppm zinc mg/kg
b ppm mg/kg
cu ppm mg/kg
fe ppm mg/kg
mn ppm
analysis lab the lab that performed the analysis

Data Excerpt

date plot longitude latitude ph cec phosphorus potassium calcium magnesium soil_depth lime_index so4_s z_ppm b_ppm cu_ppm fe_ppm mn_ppm lab
2016-11-21 B0 6.5 78.0 130.0 1107.0 132.0 0-20 cm 70.0 MSU Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory
2016-11-21 C3 6.8 46.0 115.0 1075.0 201.0 0-20 cm MSU Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory
2016-11-21 32 7.0 51.0 194.0 1023.0 169.0 0-20 cm MSU Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory
2016-11-21 30-1 6.8 28.0 161.0 989.0 167.0 0-20 cm MSU Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory
2016-11-21 30-2 6.6 50.0 252.0 949.0 177.0 0-20 cm 70.0 MSU Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory
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