Soil Total Carbon and Nitrogen - Surface — Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)

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Total carbon and total nitrogen of surface soils from the LTER Main Site and the Successional and Forested sites. Total C and N are analyzed on one date annually of the baseline soil samplings. Samples are combusted and measured on a CHN analyzer. These samples are taken from the 0-25 depth.

This datatable is part of the Soil Total Carbon and Nitrogen of the Main Cropping System Experiment dataset.

This dataset contains the total carbon and nitrogen in surface soils of the Main Cropping System Experiment at the LTER Main Site (Treatments 1-8, since 1989) and Mid-successional (SF) and Forested (CF, DF) sites (since 1993). Annual analysis of total C and N in surface soil samples was abandoned after 2001 in favor of analysis of near decadal <a href->deep core sampling campaigns.

Samples were taken with a 2.5 cm diameter soil corer, sieved to 4mm, and composited by plot. Soil % elemental carbon and nitrogen values were determined by sample combustion and subsequent TCD gas chromatography using a Carlo Erba automated CHN analyzer.


Experiment: Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)
Data available from: June 1989 to April 2001
Dataset: KBS024
Datatable ID: KBS024-001.29
Core Areas Organic Matter,Disturbance
Repository link:
Last Updated 2024-03-18
Variate Description Units
sample date date of sampling
treatment treatment
replicate replicate block
n number of analytical sample replicates
mean c mean percent carbon %
sd c standard deviation percent carbon %
mean n mean percent nitrogen %
mean cn standard deviation percent nitrogen %
sd n undescribed
sd cn ratio: mean C divided by mean N g/g
year year in which the date occurs

Data Excerpt

sample_date treatment replicate n mean_c sd_c mean_n sd_n mean_cn sd_cn year
2001-04-04 1 3 3 1.09 0.05 0.12 0.0 8.99 2001.0
2001-04-04 1 4 3 0.82 0.03 0.1 0.0 8.45 2001.0
2001-04-04 1 1 3 0.65 0.06 0.08 0.0 7.85 2001.0
2001-04-04 1 2 3 0.83 0.03 0.1 0.0 8.52 2001.0
2001-04-04 1 5 3 0.65 0.01 0.08 0.0 7.98 2001.0
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