Switchgrass Stand Counts — Switchgrass NItrogen Fixation Experiemnt

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Stand counts of switchgrass populations of the Switchgrass Nitrogen Fixation Experiment periodically conducted in the spring to assess growth and recruitment.

This datatable is part of the Interactions Experiment dataset.

This dataset contains data from the Interactions Experiment established in 1985 that examined the interactive effects of tillage (conventional (CT) and no tillage (NT)) and fertilization (ferti lized (F) and not-fertilized (NF)) on crop production. The experimental site contained two areas that differed in prior land use: one site was historically tilled (pl ots 1-16) and the other has never been tilled (plots 17-24). All cropped plots (all plots except the Reference plots) were originally planted to continuous corn and s witched to the same corn-soybean-wheat rotation as the LTER Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE) around 2001. The historically tilled portion of the experiment was discontinued after the 2015 harvest and 2016 conversion to switchgrass. The experiment continues in the never tilled plots including the cropped plots (T8nt; 17, 20, 21, and 24) which follow the rotation and management of the MCSE No-till (T2) treatment and the reference plots (T8; 18, 19, 22, and 23) which are maintained as the MCSE Mown Grassland (T8) treatment. T8 and T8nt data are found in MCSE da tasets.


Experiment: Switchgrass NItrogen Fixation Experiemnt
Data available from: April 2020 to October 2021
Dataset: KBS151
Datatable ID: KBS128-004.74
Core Areas Populations
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Last Updated 2024-04-24
Variate Description Units
year sample year
sample date date of the observation
site experiment site
experiment name of the experiment
plot field plot name
replicate field replicate name
station the station with the plot that was sampled, This indicates the location within the plot
average stand count m2 stand count estimated by the Vogel and Masters 2001grid method

Data Excerpt

year sample_date site experiment plot replicate station stand_count_m2
2022 2022-05-24 KBS Farm Systems Center Interactions Switchgrass 1 1 center 39.6
2022 2022-05-24 KBS Farm Systems Center Interactions Switchgrass 1 1 north-east 40.0
2022 2022-05-24 KBS Farm Systems Center Interactions Switchgrass 1 1 south-west 39.6
2022 2022-05-31 KBS Farm Systems Center Interactions Switchgrass 10 2 center 40.0
2022 2022-05-31 KBS Farm Systems Center Interactions Switchgrass 10 2 north-east 40.0
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