LTAR yield data — LTAR Aspirational Cropping System Experiment (ACSE)

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Yield data from the KBS Long-term Agroecosystem Research

This datatable is part of the LTAR agronomic production datasets dataset.

This dataset collects LTAR agronomic data


Experiment: LTAR Aspirational Cropping System Experiment (ACSE)
Data available from: October 2021 to November 2022
Dataset: LTAR002
Datatable ID: LTAR002-001.37
Core Areas Primary Production
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Last Updated 2023-10-26
Variate Description Units
harvest date the day the harvest started and normally also ended
treatment LTAR treatment
replicate replicate within a treatment
crop Nominal Crop name
species species planted
fraction harvested plant fraction
varieties list of planted varieties
transgenic traits transgenic traits of the varieties planted
seed treatment seed treatments applied to crop
harvest area ha harvested area ha
dry matter yield kg ha dry matter yield calculated at 0% moisture kg/ha
plot type LTAR plot, field or prairie strip
yield bu ac agronomic yield in bushel per acre at standard moisture (15.5% for corn, 13 % for soybean and wheat bu/ac
yield short ton ac yield in short tons per acre at standard moisture (15.5 % for corn, 13% for wheat and soybean and 15 % for forages)
comment comments about the observation

Data Excerpt

harvest_date treatment replicate crop species fraction varieties transgenic_traits seed_treatments harvest_area_ha dry_matter_yield_kg_ha field_type yield_bu_acre yield_short_ton_ac comment
2022-11-10 BAU1 F1 Corn Zea mays L. Grain {"Pioneer P0720Q"} {"Herbicide and Insect Resistance"} {"Fungicide + Insecticide"} 12.2 11595 field 218.4 6.1
2022-11-09 BAU1 F2 Corn Zea mays L. Grain {"Pioneer P0720Q"} {"Herbicide and Insect Resistance"} {"Fungicide + Insecticide"} 6.1 10247 field 193.0 5.4
2022-11-07 ASP1 F1 Corn Zea mays L. Grain {"Dekalb DKC55-53SSRIB"} {"Herbicide and Insect Resistance"} {"Fungicide + Insecticide"} 13.4 10337 field 194.7 5.5
2022-11-07 ASP1 F2 Corn Zea mays L. Grain {"Dekalb DKC55-53SSRIB"} {"Herbicide and Insect Resistance"} {"Fungicide + Insecticide"} 4.2 10228 field 192.7 5.4
2022-11-07 ASP1 R1 Corn Zea mays L. Grain {"Dekalb DKC55-53SSRIB"} {"Herbicide and Insect Resistance"} {"Fungicide + Insecticide"} 0.2 10312 plot 194.2 5.4
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