Agronomic Yields of Swtichgrass — Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)

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Dry matter yields of the MCSE Switchgrass (T6) treatment, planted in 2019 after a fallow year following conversion from alfalfa.

Also included are yields from two subplots (located on the north end of main plot) to examine the effects of no fertilizer (’unfertilized microplot’ vs ‘fertilized sample area’) on switchgrass yields. The moisture content of microplot harvests is determined at the time of harvest by taking grab samples and drying; the moisture content of main plot harvests is determined at the time of baling (ie. after several days of drying in the field).

This datatable is part of the Agronomic Yields of Row Crops dataset.

This dataset contains the agronomic yields of row crop treatments of the Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE) at the LTER Main Site and includes corn––soybean–winter wheat rotations (T1-T4), managed differently since 1989, and alfalfa (T6, 1994-2017) which was converted to switchgrass (T6) in 2019. Agronomic yields are measured during normal crop harvest using machine harvesters appropriate to each crop as detailed in the KBS Aglog.


Experiment: Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)
Data available from: August 2020 to August 2021
Dataset: KBS020
Datatable ID: KBS020-006.91
Core Areas Primary Production
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Last Updated 2023-10-24
Variate Description Units
sample date the harvest date
treatment the treatment identifier
replicate the replicate
main or microplot the subplot
species the crop harvested
moisture fraction the moisture fraction of the plant or haylage (for the main plots, it is determined when baling the crop after several days of drying, for the microplots it is the moisture when the plant is cut) g/g
yield metric tons ha the dry biomass yield in metric tons per hectare

Data Excerpt

sample_date treatment replicate main_or_microplot species moisture_fraction yield_metric_tons_ha
2021-08-26 T6 R1 unfertilized_microplot Panicum virgatum L. 0.58 5.56
2021-08-26 T6 R2 unfertilized_microplot Panicum virgatum L. 0.568 6.25
2021-08-26 T6 R3 unfertilized_microplot Panicum virgatum L. 0.573 5.64
2021-08-26 T6 R4 unfertilized_microplot Panicum virgatum L. 0.569 6.31
2021-08-26 T6 R5 unfertilized_microplot Panicum virgatum L. 0.579 6.32
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