GPS Coordinates of All LTER and GLBRC Features — Research Context

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GPS coordinates for many LTER and GLBRC point features such as plot corners, sampling stations, lysimeters, etc.

This datatable is part of the KBS LTER Global Positioning System Data dataset.

The KBS LTER uses submeter accuracy GPS to record many locations such as plot corners, gas flux chamber, leaf litter trap locations, soil water samplers (lysimeter), etc.


Experiment: Research Context
Dataset: KBS039
Datatable ID: KBS039-002.38
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Last Updated 2024-03-18
Variate Description Units
start date date when the location was first used
end date last date the location was used
site location where the experiment is located
experiment LTER or GLBRC experiment
comment comment
treatment KBS treatment code
replicate KBS replicate code
station sampling location
feature type of experimental activity at this location
longitud X coordinate in SRID 4326
latitude Y coordinate in SRID 4326
gps date date the GPS reading was made
gps corr type of correction applied to the data
gps type type of GPS unit

Data Excerpt

start_date end_date site experiment comment treatment replicate station feature longitude latitude gps_date gps_corr gps_type
1988-05-01 1988-12-31 LTER Mainsite LTER mainsite GPS_height is from laser stratigraphy not GPS. 1 1 1988 spatial variability survey -85.37093840416162 42.406784091840954
1988-05-01 1988-12-31 LTER Mainsite LTER mainsite GPS_height is from laser stratigraphy not GPS. 1 1 1988 spatial variability survey -85.37095902499449 42.41115214360507
1988-05-01 1988-12-31 LTER Mainsite LTER mainsite GPS_height is from laser stratigraphy not GPS. 1 1 1988 spatial variability survey -85.3709089233973 42.41308765337972
1988-05-01 1988-12-31 LTER Mainsite LTER mainsite GPS_height is from laser stratigraphy not GPS. 1 1 1988 spatial variability survey -85.37093247404728 42.4088913389155
1988-05-01 1988-12-31 LTER Mainsite LTER mainsite GPS_height is from laser stratigraphy not GPS. 1 1 1988 spatial variability survey -85.37072672166255 42.413553358779296
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