The 2012 KBS LTER ASM was held at the Kellogg Biological Station, Hickory Corners, MI from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Friday, March 16th, and was preceded by a special round table discussion Thursday evening (March 15) for grads and postdocs.
As in prior years, the aim of this meeting was to maximize exposure of participants to the breadth of research underway at the site, and to provide an opportunity to develop collaborations. Some highlights from the agenda include:
1. Graduate student and postdoc roundtable discussion with senior scientists
2. Project overview and status
3. Keynote address by Pamela Matson, Stanford University
4. Working group discussions
5. Poster session: on-going and planned research
6. And plenty of time to meet others working on LTER research!
- Babbie, K., J. Doll and D. Stuart Climate change: perceptions from Michigan vegetable farmers abstract poster
- Dazzo, F.B., J. Liu, G. Tang, C. Gross, C. Reddy, C. Monosmith, G. Zhu, J. Wa... CMEIAS v3.10: Advanced computational tools of image analysis software designed to strengthen microscopy‐based approaches for understanding microbial ecology. abstract poster
- Desotelle, M. and S.K. Hamilton Impacts of a major oil spill on riverine benthic communities (Kalamazoo River, MI). abstract poster
- Dickson, T.L. and K.L. Gross Why does fertilization take 14 years to decrease plant diversity in a LTER Abandoned Crop Field? abstract poster
- Gelfand, I., R. Sahajpal, X. Zhang, R.C. Izaurralde, K.L. Gross and G.P. Robe... Cellulosic biofuel production and climate mitigation potential from marginal lands abstract poster
- Guber, A.K., Y.A.Pachepsky, A.M.Yakirevich, T.J.Nicholson, R.E.Cady Model abstraction techniques for predicting subsurface contaminant transport abstract poster
- Harris, L.M. and S.M. Swinton Coordinating farm management to expand provision of ecosystem services abstract poster
- Ladoni,M., J.D. Munoz-Robayo, A. Kravchenko and S.S. Snapp Effects of agricultural management with and without cover crops on soil nitrate in different topographical positions abstract poster
- Love, B.J., M.D. Einheuser and A. P. Nejadhashemi Effects on aquatic and human health due to large scale bioenergy crop expansion abstract poster
- Millar, N., G.P. Robertson, P.R. Grace, R.J. Gehl and J.P. Hoben Nitrogen fertilizer rate management as a nitrous oxide mitigation strategy: Development of a nitrous oxide emission reduction protocol abstract poster
- Munoz, J.D., B. Basso, J. Winkler, J. Andresen and A. Kravchenko Climate change impact on crop yield in a rotational system in Michigan abstract poster
- O’Neill, B., T.K. Teal, A.S. Grandy and T.M. Schmidt Trends in soil ecosystem function along a gradient of plant diversity in agricultural abstract poster
- Reeling, C.J. and S.M. Swinton How changing crop characteristics can enhance the commercial viability of perennial wheat abstract poster
- Ruan, L. and G.P. Robertson The impacts of N fertilizer management on nitrous oxide emissions in switchgrass abstract poster
- Shcherbak, I. and G.P. Robertson The significance of subsoil denitrification in an agricultural landscape abstract poster
- Sprunger, C.D., S.S. Snapp and S. W. Culman Conventional and organic management effects on annual and perennial root biomass abstract poster
- Tinsley, S., S.S. Snapp, S. Culman, S. Utsumi, N. Jaikumar and J. Green Potential for perennial grasses as an organic dual forage-grain crop in Michigan abstract poster
- Weir, A.E., S.M. Swinton and R.C. Hayes Breakeven profitability targets for genetic improvement of perennial wheat and intermediate wheatgrass abstract poster
Meeting held on: 2012-03-15