Ecological Research in Agricultural Landscapes: Synthesizing Big Data
This event combined the All Scientists Meeting (ASM) and Fall Investigators Field Tour into one gathering. It was held at the Kellogg Biological Station on Friday, September 16th and Saturday, September 17th. Nearly 60 Graduate Students, Post-docs, Staff, Technicians, and Faculty attended.
Keynote seminar
On Friday morning the Keynote address was given by MSU’s Pat Soranno.
Plenary session: New Directions in LTER VI
Following an Introduction to the LTER project given by:
- Phil Robertson, KBS and Dept. of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences, MSU: State of the Project
Where we are, where we’re headed, opportunities
KBS LTER Faculty provided updates and proposed future work on LTER research themes:
- Phil Robertson, KBS and Dept. of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences, MSU: Biogeochemistry
- Jen Lau and Sarah Evans, KBS and Dept. of Plant Biology, MSU: Biodiversity
- Sandy Marquart-Pyatt, Dept. of Sociology, MSU: Modeling Socio-Ecological Systems
- Scott Swinton, Dept. of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, MSU: Pay-for-Performance Conservation
Field Presentations:
On Friday afternoon, Field and Science Tours presentations were given by graduate students and postdoc researchers at the LTER and GLBRC sites.
- Kate Glanville: Heavy rainfall events have become more intense and frequent
- Will West: Understanding How Microbially Mediated Denitrification is Influenced by Switchgrass Exudates
- Andrew Myers: Monarch Butterfly Breeding Ecology in Agroecosystems
- Brendan O’Neill: Cover crops restructure carbon and nitrogen cycles more than rotational diversity
- Susan Magnoli: Evolution in the LTER: the role of rapid adaptation in plant population establishment
- Di Liang: Separating soil autotrophic nitrification by ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and ammonia oxidizing archaea (AOA)
- Mir Zaman Hussain: Assessing nitrate leaching and drainage in annual maize, perennial bioenergy grasses, native prairie and hybrid poplar
- Braeden Van Deynze: Familiarity with Bioenergy Crops and Land Supply for their Production
Poster session:
On Friday evening a poster reception was held. Poster presentations are detailed below.
Data Carpentry Workshop:
On Saturday morning, a Data Carpentry sampler workshop was well attended. This was created and presented by Christie Bahlai
- Abraha M, I Gelfand, SK Hamilton, J Chen and GP Robertson. Nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide emissions in lands converted to bioenergy crops abstract poster
- Bloodworth K and West W. The carbon and nitrogen cycle collide in switchgrass soils abstract poster
- Dazzo FB, Yanni Y, Liu J, Kwatra K, Jain A, Gross C, Philips N, Monosmith C, ... CMEIAS (C) v4.0: Advanced Computational Tools of Bioimage Informatics Software Designed to Strengthen Microscopy-Based Aproaches for Understanding Microbial Ecology abstract poster
- Denny RCH. Studying Conservation Practices and Fertilizer Use with Multilevel and Structural Equation Models abstract poster
- Dungee A, D Liang, and GP Robertson. Study of relative contribution of ammonia oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) to nitrification under different land use types abstract poster
- Gelfand I, I Shcherbak, N Millar, AN Kravchenko, and GP Robertson. Long-term nitrous oxide in annual and perennial agricultural and unmanaged ecosystems in the upper Midwest USA abstract poster
- Hestrin R, MJ Harrison, and J Lehmann Soil Microbial Communities and Gas Dynamics Mediate Mycorrhizal Nitrogen Uptake and Transfer to Plants abstract poster
- Klammer SSH and SM Swinton To chip or not to chip? How large-scale timberland managers in Michigan's Upper Peninsula decide on bioenergy supply abstract poster
- Liang D and GP Robertson. Partitioning Nitrification-Derived N2O Emission from Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria (AOB) and Ammonia Oxidizing Archaea (AOA) abstract poster
- Millar N, KA Kahmark, A Urrea, GP Robertson, and I Ortiz-Monasterio. Nitrous Oxide Response to Nitrogen Fertilizer in Irrigated Spring Wheat in the Yaqui Valley, Mexico abstract poster
- Quigley M, AN Kravchenko, and M Rivers Soil matrix characteristics within macro-aggregates determined from μCT images abstract poster
- Ruhala S, J Zarnetske, J Lee-Cullin, S Plont, and E Wiewiora Dissolved organic carbon conditions across the stream-groundwater interface of a third-order river network abstract poster
- Su YJ, J Chen, M Abraha, C Shao, R John, SK Hamilton, and GP Robertson The Disturbance and Recovery of Soil Respiration after a Growing Season Drought in Biofuel Crop Ecosystems abstract poster
- Andrew Myers Monarch Butterfly Breeding Ecology in Agroecosystems abstract presentation
- Braeden Van Deynze Familiarity with Bioenergy Crops and Land Supply for their Production abstract presentation
- Brendan O'Neill Cover crops restructure carbon and nitrogen cycles more than rotational diversity abstract presentation
- Di Liang Separating soil autotrophic nitrification by ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and ammonia oxidizing archaea (AOA) abstract presentation
- Jen Lau and Sarah Evans Biodiversity abstract presentation
- Kate Glanville and Kevin Kahmark Heavy rainfall events have become more intense and frequent abstract presentation
- Mir Zaman Hussain Assessing nitrate leaching and drainage in annual maize, perennial bioenergy grasses, native prairie and hybrid poplar abstract presentation
- Pat Sorrano Ecology in the 21st Century: Team based, data intensive, and open abstract presentation
- Phil Robertson and Steve Hamilton Water Use in Agricultural Landscapes abstract presentation
- Robertson GP State of the Project: Where we are, where we’re headed, opportunities abstract presentation
- Sandy Marquart-Pyatt Modeling Socio-Ecological Systems: Connecting the Physical Environment and People in KBS LTER abstract presentation
- Scott Swinton Cost-effective Policy to Induce Farmers to Cut Phosphorus Runoff into Lake Erie abstract presentation
- Susan Magnoli Evolution in the LTER: the role of rapid adaptation in plant population establishment abstract presentation
- Will West Understanding How Microbially Mediated Denitrification is Influenced by Switchgrass Exudates abstract presentation
Meeting held on: 2016-09-16