LTER: Nitrogen Deposition Study
In use from 2001-01-01 to 2009-12-31
Protocol for Nitrogen application in forest and successional field plots
Fertilized (F) plots are 100 m
Three-fold fertilization (3F) plots are 4m
Preparing the Fertilization solutions
- Weigh 8 bags of 980g NH4NO3 (34% N) for 1F, 1 bag of 58.8g NH4NO3 (34% N) for 1F in CF3, and 9 bags of 118g in NH4NO3 (34% N) for 3F.
- Mix fertilizer with RO water in 4L flasks with stir bars on stir plate. Add fertilizer slowly to allow it to dissolve.
- Pour solutions into 4L or 16L sprayers and carboys for spraying or transport to the field.
- Fill the containers for 1F plots to 16L and the containers for CF3-1F and all 3F plots to 4L.
Spraying the plots
Use a 16L backpack sprayer to apply the fertilizer solutions to the 1F plots and a 4L hand sprayer for the 3F plots and 1F in CF3. Divide the 1F plots into quadrants and apply 4 liters of solution to each. In the 3F plots, apply the 4 liters of solution evenly across the plot.
Ammonium nitrate was not available in 8/2003, 10/2006, and 4/2007. Urea (46% N) was used for fertilizing at the same rates of N. The 1F plots had 724.4g Urea applied, except CF3 received 43.5g Urea. The 3F plots received 87.2g Urea/application.
Date modified: Wednesday, Nov 29 2023