Poplar Leaf Nutrient Analysis


In use from 2011-07-01


Poplar treatments in the GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment (BCSE) and in the LTER Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE) contained subplots or microplots to examine the growth response of trees to nitrogen fertilization. To determine the nutrient efficiency of trees grown under fertilized (subplots) and unfertilized (main plots) conditions, leaf samples were collected at the peak of the growing season (~mid-July) and analyzed by the MSU Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory for several plant nutrients (aluminum, copper, iron, manganese, zinc, boron, sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur). The carbon and nitrogen contents of leaves were measured at KBS using a CHN analyzer.


  1. Collect recently matured leaves from randomly selected trees in both main plot and sub/micro-plots from each replicate. Avoid leaves showing disease or insect injury, nutrient deficiency symptoms, and/or with any visible soil or chemical residues. For the BCSE, select 5 leaves from each of 5 trees; for the MCSE, select 3 leaves from each of 3 trees.
  2. From each plot, composite leaves into two bags; one bag for main plot leaves and one for sub/microplot leaves (25 leaves total for BCSE; 9 leaves total for MCSE). In total,10 bags from 5 plots will be collected. Bring leaves to laboratory and wash them thoroughly with water.
  3. Dry leaves at 60 degrees C for 48 h and ground dried plant material through a 1mm screen using a Christy-Turner 8” Lab mill.
  4. Weigh ground leaf samples (3-5 g) and send samples to MSU Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory for complete leaf tissue analysis.
  5. Carbon and nitrogen are analyzed at Kellogg Biological Station according to protocol.

Date modified: Monday, Jul 15 2024



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