Installation of Decagon SIC20 Lysimeters for Soil Water Sampling


In use from 2014-05-27


Silica carbide tension pore-water samplers (lysimeters) from Decagon (SIC20) are installed at different soil depths in rainfed and irrigated plots of the KBS LTER Resource Gradient Experiment to collect soil water samples for chemistry analysis of the potential impacts of groundwater-fed irrigation on agricultural carbon cycling. Lysimeters (6 cm long, 2 cm diam) are installed at a 51 degree angle to minimize disturbance in the above soil profile and inserted into position through a 2.2 cm diameter hole drilled by a hydraulic soil corer. They are then pushed by hand another 10 cm beyond the hole to ensure direct contact with the soil.

This protocol gives details of the equipment used; the design and layout of lysimeters in the Research Gradient Experiment; the schematics, calculations, and step by step instructions of the installation procedure; as well as equipment suppliers and local resources.



Date modified: Tuesday, Oct 24 2023



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