Frankenmuth, Michigan - Michigan Agriculture Advancement's 7th Annual Underground Innovations meeting will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 4-5, 2025 at the Bavarian Inn Lodge. Hosted by MiAA and the KBS LTER. Network with producers from across Michigan and beyond to help take ideas home to implement on your own operations. Speakers will share how they've come to adopt new practices on their farms, how they've gotten to this point, and where they are looking to go in the future. This year's speakers will focus on conservation topics such as cover crops, prairie plantings,
New prairie strip partial budget tool from MiSTRIPS team
Conservation practices require a significant investment in time and money. There are often large implementation costs, learning curves, and labor required, all of which might prevent farmers and landowners from being able to adopt these practices. Additionally, when there are no tangible payments or products, the financial benefits may seem invisible. Yet, conservation practices provide many benefits to the cropping system, often by improving soil health, protecting water quality, and increasing yield stability. Because of this, farmers are often eligible for payments which can offset or even