Throughout 2022 and 2023, Melissa Frost, biology and chemistry teacher at Buchanan High School, joined the KBS LTER through our Research Experience for Teacher (RET) program. The NSF-funded RET program partners teachers with scientists to assist in ongoing research in the lab, as well as providing the teacher the opportunity to develop their own research project. Melissa joined Sarah Evan's lab, and worked with scientists Jennifer Jones and Caitlin Broderick. Melissa embraced the RET as a chance to integrate more research and data into her teaching. "Participating in a RET program allowed
The metamorphosis of the monarch butterfly and the citizen scientist
Britney Christensen and Gabe Knowles joined Doug Landis' Lab through the NSF LTER RET Program (National Science Foundation's Research Experience for Teachers). This program matches K-12 teachers with local scientists for 8-10 weeks of field data collection and independent research. The goal is to enhance the professional development of K-12 science educators through research experience in order to then bring new knowledge into their classroom. Learn more about the KBS K-12 Partnership and future KBS RETs (professional development program supported by the KBS LTER). The