Mutch, D.R., M.A. Cavigelli, L.P. Hart, A.M. Jarosz, D.A. Landis, F.D. Menalled, K.A. Renner, L.K. Probyn, S. Deming, L.E. dyer, G. Manley, H. Miller, N. Rector, and J. Simmons
Presented at the All Scientist Meeting (1998-07-21 to 1998-07-22 )
Non-chemical pest management involves many techniques and skillsthat require a greater knowledge of field crop system ecology than is generally provided in farmer and agriculture professional training. In response to this need, we have initiated the production of a user-friendly, full-color, multimedia Extension training manual tentatively titled Michigan Field Crop Pest Ecology and Management. Crop pests will be addressed from a whole farm perspective with a focus on designing agricultural ecosystems that prevent pest problems by depending heavily on inherent ecosystem regulation of pest outbreaks. Seven Michigan State University research and Extension specialists in weed, insect, disease, and nematode ecology and management are currently writing the bulletin following a process that emphasizes integration of these different disciplines. KBS LTER research results will be included where appropriate. A synthesis chapter, co-written by all authors and produced during a two day retreat, will be the capstone of the publication. Three farmers, one Extension agent, and one Extension specialist will provide important “ground-truthing” of the publication. The impact of the proposed document is intended to be long-term and will become evident in subsequent training sessions in which we will use a co-learning model to train farmers and agriculture professionals.Return to Contents
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