Experiment Protocols
- GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment – Sampling
- GLBRC Marginal Land Experiment – Sampling
- GLBRC Marginal Land Rainfall Exclusion Experiment – Sampling
- GLBRC Scale-Up Experiment – Sampling
- GLBRC Switchgrass Nitrogen Rate Experiment – Sampling
- MCSE Annual Spring Burn
- MCSE Poplar N Fertilization Study
- Nitrogen Deposition Study – Fertilizer Treatments
- Resource Gradient Experiment: Irrigation Scheduling
- Agronomic Yields
- GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment: Agronomic Protocol
- GLBRC: Corn Stover
- GLBRC Marginal Land Experiment: Agronomic Protocol
- GLBRC Scale-up Fields: Agronomic Protocol
- MCSE: Agronomic Protocol
- Stand Counts – Annuals
- Stand Counts – Perennials
Contributed protocols
- Denitrification Enzyme Assay
- Installation of Decagon SIC20 Lysimeters for Soil Water Sampling
- Mesocosm Installation for N Fixation in Switchgrass
- Procedure for the Determination of Permanganate Oxidizable Carbon
Ecosystem processes
- Greenhouse Gas Fluxes - Recirculating Chamber Method
- Greenhouse Gas Fluxes - Static Chamber Method
- Ion Exchange Resin Strips – Nitrogen Availability
- Long-term N Mineralization
- N Mineralization Potential - In Situ Buried Bags
- N Mineralization Potential – Short-term Lab Incubations
- Round Chamber Construction
- Agilent 7890 Gas Chromatography - Analysis of Greenhouse Gases
- Alpkem Recipes
- Costech Elemental Combustion System CHNS-O (ECS 4010)
- Infrared Gas Analyzer (IRGA) CO2 measurement by integration method
- Lachat QuickChem 8500 Series 2 Flow Injection Analysis System – Inorganic Nitrogen
- Equations for Soil Microbial Biomass C and N Calculation
- Equations for Soil Microbial Biovolume and Carbon Calculation
Plant diversity
Plant properties
- Cell Wall Analysis
- Corn Grain Ethanol Fermentation and Ethanol Production Protocol
- Plant Total Carbon and Nitrogen
- Soybean total oil content and profile measurements
Primary production
- Aboveground Net Primary Production - MCSE
- Aboveground Net Primary Productivity- BCSE & Scale-Up Experiment
- Belowground Net Primary Production – Biofuel Cropping System Experiment
- Phenology
- Plant Biomass Carbon and Nitrogen Analysis- GLBRC BCSE & Scale-Up Sites
- Treatment 7 Microplot – ANPP Harvest
Research context
- Composite Soil Sampling - MCSE
- LIDAR elevation flights
- LTER and GLBRC: Plant Sample Archive
- MCSE: Soil Moisture by Time Domain Reflectometry
Soil properties
- Agronomic Soil Chemistry – Analytical Lab Analysis
- MCSE: Inorganic and Organic Soil Phosphorous Fractions
- Particle Size Analysis ‒ Hydrometer Method
- Soil Bulk Density - Deep Cores
- Soil Dryness Determination
- Soil Inorganic N
- Soil Moisture ‒ Gravimetric
- Soil pH
- Soil Sampling of BCSE and Scale-Up Experiment
- Soil Total Carbon and Nitrogen
- Suction Lysimeters – Installation
- Suction Lysimeters - Leachate Collection
- Total Carbonates in Soil