We welcome graduate students to become involved in KBS LTER activities!
- Research: Students are encouraged to conduct research using any of LTER research experiments and the LTER Data Catalog.
- Funding: The LTER program offers funding opportunities, including semester long research fellowships and small research grants.
- Professional Development: Participation in KBS All Scientists Meetings and National LTER Network meetings, the KBS K-12 partnership and educational and outreach events.
- Collaborations: The LTER graduate student group provides opportunities for multi-disciplinary collaborations within and between the KBS LTER, the national LTER Network, and the International LTER Network.
- Classes: A variety of graduate-level field courses are offered at the Kellogg Biological Station each summer.
Join the Graduate Student group by contacting Once a member of KBS LTER, you will be placed on the KBS LTER Grads listserv, which will allow you to receive email messages relating to the broader KBS LTER community, funding opportunities and graduate student activities. Subscribe to our RSS feeds and connect with us in social media to stay updated as more opportunities arise.