KBS LTER Extension Bulletins and Special Publications
MSU extension bulletins and Special Publications led by or associated with the KBS LTER program
Kahmark, K., M. Jones, S. Bohm, N. Baker, and G. P. Robertson. 2024.Rainfall Manipulation Shelters for Agricultural Research. Kellogg Biological Station Long-term Ecological Research Special Publication. Zenodo https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10607631 ., DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10607631
Hamilton, S. K. 2020.Bromide Addition to Test for Vertical Percolation and Plant Uptake. Kellogg Biological Station Long-term Ecological Research Special Publication. Zenodo http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4279845., DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4279845
Kahmark, K., N. Millar, and G. P. Robertson. 2020.Static chamber method for measuring greenhouse gas fluxes. KBS LTER Special Publication. Zenodo http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4630396., DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4630396
Kasmerchak, C. S. and R. Schaetzl. 2018.Soils of the GLBRC Marginal Land Experiment (MLE) Sites. Kellogg Biological Station Long-term Ecological Research Special Publication. Zenodo http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2578238., DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2578238
Burlew, S., M. Thelen, W. Powers, D. Schmidt, and M. Klotz. 2016.Animal agriculture and climate change in Michigan. Climate Change and Agriculture Fact Sheet Series, MSU Extension Bulletin E3303 ,
Millar, N., J. E. Doll, and G. P. Robertson. 2014.Management of nitrogen fertilizer to reduce nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from field crops. ,
Snapp, S. S. and V. L. Morrone. 2014.Perennial wheat. MSU Extension Bulletin E-3208 ,
Steinke, K. and S. S. Snapp. 2013.Climate change and soil management in field crops. MSU Extension Bulletin E-3187 ,
Andresen, J., C. N. Layman, J. E. Doll, and M. Baranski. 2012.Climate basics. MSU Extension Bulletin E-3151. ,
Werling, B. P., D. Pennington, and D. A. Landis. 2012.Biodiversity services and bioenergy landscapes. MSU Extension Bulletin E-3164 ,
Baranski, M., J. Dworin, and C. Layman. 2011.Preguntas frecuentes sobre cambio climatico. MSU Extension Bulletin E-3150SP (Spanish translation of E-3150) ,
Baranski, M., J. Dworin, and C. N. Layman. 2011.Frequently asked questions about climate change. . MSU Extension Bulletin E-3150 ,
Doll, J. E. and M. Baranski. 2011.Greenhouse gas basics . ,
Doll, J. E. and M. Baranski. 2011.Field crop agriculture and climate change . ,
Doll, J. and M. Baranski. 2011.Conceptos basicos sobre gases de invernadero. ,
Morrone, V. L. and S. S. Snapp. 2011.Building soil for organic and sustainable farmers: Where to start . MSU Extension Bulletin E-3144 ,
Snapp, S. S. and A. S. Grandy. 2011.Advanced soil organic matter management. MSU Extension Bulletin E-3137 ,
Doll, J. E. and S. S. Snapp. 2009.Sustainable crop removal: Maintaining soil quality . MSU Extension Bulletin E-3079 ,
James, L. K., S. M. Swinton, and D. Pennington. 2009.Profitability of converting to biofuel crops. MSU Extension Bulletin E-3084 ,
Mutch, D. R., S. A. Thalman, T. E. Martin, and D. G. Baas. 2008.Flaming as a Method of Weed Control in Organic Farming Systems; Extension Bulletin E-3038. ,
Deming, S. R., L. Johnson, D. Lehnert, D. R. Mutch, L. K. Probyn, K. Renner, J. Smeenk, S. Thalman, and L. Worthington. 2007.Building a Sustainable Future: Ecologically Based Farming Systems. ,
DiFonzo, C. and F. Warner. 2006.Insect, nematode and disease control in Michigan field crops. ,
Davis, A., K. Renner, C. Sprague, L. Dyer, and D. Mutch. 2005.Integrated Weed Management: One Year's Seeding. ,
Menalled, F., J. Dauer, T. Fox, and K. Renner. 2001.Managing Your Farm to Increase Weed Seed Predation. ,
Sanchez, J. E., R. R. Harwood, J. LeCureux, J. E. Shaw, M. Shaw, S. Smalley, J. Smeenk, and R. Voelker. 2001.Integrated cropping system for corn-sugar beet-dry bean rotation: The experience of the Innovative Farmers of Michigan. ,
Cavigelli, M. A. and D. R. Mutch. 2000.Michigan Field Crop Pest Ecology and Management. ,
Tomecek, M. and G. P. Robertson. 1996.Land Use History for the Kellogg Biological Station and Surrounding Area. Kellogg Biological Station Long-term Ecological Research Special Publicaiton. Zenodo http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2579176., DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2579176
Crum, J. R. and H. P. Collins. 1995.KBS Soils. Kellogg Biological Station Long-term Ecological Research Special Publication. Zenodo http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2581504., DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2581504
Christenson, D. R., D. D. Warncke, M. L. Vitosh, L. W. Jacobs, and J. G. Dahl. 1992.Fertilizer recommendations for field crops in Michigan. MSU Extension Bulletin E-550A ,