Research results and educational materials from our program are relevant for scientists at all levels, K-12 science teachers, agricultural professionals, the media, and members of the general public.
- Current Researchers – We have many resources available for KBS LTER researchers to facilitate research, educational, and outreach activities.
- Prospective Researchers and Students – Research at the KBS LTER site is directed towards understanding ecological interactions underlying the productivity of both annual and perennial field crops.
- K-12 Educators – For more than 12 years, we have hosted a long-term partnership among area science teachers, LTER scientists, and College of Education faculty to enhance the content and delivery of the Michigan K-12 science curriculum.
- Ag Professionals – By better understanding these complex interactions over time, our research helps inform management and policy to help make farming more profitable and provide environmental benefits.
- The Media and Public – For over 20 years, KBS LTER scientists have been studying how agricultural lands work. This means studying the ecology of cropping systems and how they interact with the environment.